It’s been almost 30 years since my Nova has had a stock gas tank, and has been driven to a filling station to fill up the tank. That all changed this week as I drove it to the local Speedway and filled it up with pump E85.
Follow along as we tune this mild Hydraulic Roller 350 small block Chevy with a ATM Blow Through Carb and see just what is possible with a stock bottom end old school small block.
You never painted the bottom part of that junk mustang like you said several times you were doing. Another incomplete project.
Never let us hear the cars….always dumb music and voice over junk.
Such a religous man….lol….lives his life like a true christian. I like how the "faith" comes out when he wants to seem wholesome.
I just wish I had seen the notice about "in stock items" before realizing most of my order wasn't in stock……… It's all good though! Got my hat n SRC shirt and my "gangster" shirt is basically on it's way.
Its crazy how close these ppl are to the track…..Wow
Hope some day i get to see you guys and watch you all race
What's going on with the malibu why did you pull the motor?
Does uncle bucko know how much R12 is worth. Believe that tank is about $ 3,000 dollars.
The S10 is like a brother or a lifelong friend, he knows how it is going to act. the nova is like someone he just met, not sure if he has got your back when the shit hits the fan. Please Billy lift and take a loss until you get some passes with and know it like you do the S10. Man, you are my new Dale Earnhardt. I no longer watch NASCAR. I say a prayer for you and Tommy every Thursday to keep you safe on the street and the track. two close calls with the Nova. Please get to know it like you do the truck. You are one hell of a driver, and so was Dale Earnhardt. Stay safe, you have many years of winning races ahead of you. The Nova scares the hell out of me. God bless you and the whole SRC/OMG/Gen2 family and crew.
I was watching the live feed that night when billy spin I said no no no when they said he was ok and the nova was ok i said thank god I'm glad he is ok and I we are happy that u got ur nova running she looking good
Uncle bucko, I can sit outside without melting lmfao
kenny powers needs a channel kp performance the making of the real deal average joe
Update on the Maliblew.
He should put that saying on a T-shirt always stay prayed up
Amen brother always stay prayed up.
Bill just wanted you to know I wore one of your shirts today it felt good and got a lot of compliments on it
From San Antonio
Amen for the prayers for your kids.
Love the videos. Love the Nova. Wish I still had mine. God bless you and your family Bill.
Yeah that was scary as hell when Billy spun like that. I saw the cloud of dust after the pass was like "no…..not again" lol.
I was super pumped when Tommy beat the Kraken Camaro too. That car is known to be real fast!
Overall it was a great event and I'm looking forward to the next one!
Well done, you all are the epitome of the sport in my opinion!
I guess that Kenny does the washing and detailing because he actually reads the instructions.
BIG ASS TUG……. THAT NOVA was going into the trees!!!!!!
Bill . . If my 2 cents of a comment makes you 5 . . . . well at least you don't hav
Your Nova looking great
First video iv seen by this channel an I am glued
God is good. Thankfully he is still there listening and answering prayers.
When my son’s were racing karts we had a motor we threw together with all old parts just to practice. It turned out to be our fastest motor. Go figure. Great job guys keep up the good work. You all take care and stay safe.