to support the channel
Supplied the ported cylinder heads camshaft and longtube headers! supplied the sick wheels! Kong performace did the whipple porting and 120mm throttle body for the hemi coil packs! @jackfabperformance with the shop support and tuning! supplied the triple pump fuel system and nitrous! Tuned by TeamHellcat
Aye man if anyone knows how to recover and come back its you dawg. Keep up the work, you're inspiring
I could hear Beavis yelling out in the background, "Fire! Heh! Fire!" Seriously, though, glad your car is ok!
I hate you so much…… because you alqays have me at the edge of my seat lol
Glad everything is alright, well as alright as it could be lol
Try the c6 platform bro. You’ll love it
Lucki what’s your tint percentage on your windows?
fires extinguisher saved your money
The way history repeats itself…
LUCKY is literally his name. Damn, so glad and happy for you bro! (All things considered)
If you been following Lucky since the Boosted V6 you’ll know that he already knows it could be worse he always comes back stronger tho
Sad to see this
Bro please tell me where I can get that license plate light
Glad the car is safe! Wow that was close!
Your cam sounds amazing. What can are you running?
Your challenger hellcat is lucky you’re very lucky to put it out in time
W Video ! Great to meet you man! happy everything worked out to where you made it to the meet. Glad you got a chance to give the durango a look! Much love bro
Thank God your ok….just have to build better again…keep moving forward…..what coolant tank are you running
The way mans looked at the trackhawk after getting a ride lol
Rookie mistake, at this state in your build should’ve been had a extinguisher in your car. Lucky wasn’t worse
Shooting slugs to Houston street monster
carbon gang
clear coat them before the texas sun gets to em.
bro idc who u are, racecar rule number 1 FIRE ESTIGUISHER
Boosted unluckey
confirmed better than a ferrari
Was that the original alternator ?
If you have a built car, always keep a fire extinguisher
Never seen so many issues with one car. I would sell it and be done. What a nightmare