Darlington Dragway , August 26th 2023
Fast & Flashy 9 Car , Bike & Race Show
Donkmaster Z06 Donk 71 Caprice VS Ezzy Money Donk Killa 66 Impala
Darlington Dragway , August 26th 2023
Fast & Flashy 9 Car , Bike & Race Show
Donkmaster Z06 Donk 71 Caprice VS Ezzy Money Donk Killa 66 Impala
Donk master ain't playing wit em, he finally dialed in!!!!
That’s the best pass I’ve seen the Zo6 since it’s return. Glad to see ya back my boy .
Welcome back was a great word to use,,an fastest in the world we got a couple races to prove that once again!!
Wtf dude talking bout " switchin " gone home buddy
A donkmaster I been watch sent u started to build the first donk a love for u to come to atlanta an let ride in one of u r car sir
Gdawg803 ezzy money have a 1966 implala
Ezzy money win $10,000
No excuses, because when donkzilla cut off completely during the race no one wanted to hear anything
1st win in a while lol . That shit not fast ,bc he beat ezzy slo azz he's the fastest now boi stop
Lol they split
Didn't hear shit from him when he lost Nizzer everybody don't win every race . Give the man his he beat your ass .
Gdawg gotta get a camera inside Z06 and blur
This race just goes to show you just how much the Zo6 is making got damn!!!! Donk Killa had a great start and was in it but Donkmaster in the Zo6 just drove passed him like he was sitting still.. that car has got to be making well over 2100 hp easy
Z06 tuned up
Put that nitro in the 2nd round huh
Donkmaster got that laptop out and advanced that timing! Boy that thang still was pulling all the way down the line! Never reached top end! Good stuff❤
Not gone lie I miss the street version of the ZO6
Just Smoked yah Ash Donkmaster
This car has to pull 2 G's during launch