Bucko decided to go on a little adventure this past weekend to the Good Guys Rod & Custom Car Show at the Nashville Motor Speedway. Unfortunately, a slight mishap occurred during the cruise around the speedway that left him limping the “Fire Truck” home.

You won’t believe what he did to attempt to drive it 400 miles back home! 🤣



  1. Yall, I can't say it enough!! Having good friends and family is what life should be all about.. Not all the negative nonsense drama and bs that plague people today.. Bill you have an awesome family!!! God bless yall!! Keep inspiring teaching and entertaining us… To all of those who have lost someone in their lives, my condolences… To all of those who have served THANK YOU from a veteran.. To those who struggle with family I say this, giving up on them is giving up on yourself.. appreciate what you have today because tomorrow it may be gone..

  2. Last year at Power Tour when we took laps of Atlanta Motor Speedway I mentioned oiling baffling, and oil starvation to a couple of other drivers. They looked at me like I was insane. Listen here boyos it's one thing to push your motor hard in a straight line for a couple seconds, it's another thing entirely to push it around high banked turn at speed pinning most of your oil AWAY from the oil pick up. Bad things happen very VERY quickly!

    Just an idea but…. what about shoving that 327 into Jeremy's S10? 😉

  3. We had the opportunity to do locals only at New England dragway and farm truck and azi are stand up people. They need parts and tools to fix the bus and we didn’t hesitate to help them out and they were so grateful. Farm truck hung around our pits and chatted with us for about an hr and was so down to earth even with all the fame ment A lot all of us

  4. I kid you not, I just went to the American Musclecars event at Maple Grove. 1,000 cars and 800 of them were Fox and New Edge Mustangs. EIGHT classics including my Darts

  5. I'm so proud to live in Ohio and and be somebody to support you aren't cuz your family makes us look so good Yarns are awesome can't wait to meet you guys here soon

  6. Loved the race on street outlaws locals only you all did a great job ! I was so happy for all of you when Tommy took the win that I even shed a tear!!! Great job guys!!

  7. Knowing the 55 is getting some love made my freakin day, knowing Jeremy is doing it made it better. A little history lesson and commentary when its done will be video of the year im sure. Hope your Dad can be part if it, love yall

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