1. Honestly wasnt always a huge reaper fan but has made a fan is how hard you chase it and how much respect you treat everybody with. Anybody that puts that kind of effort into something deserves to see some success . Yall be safe man and enjoy these days .

  2. I will never understand hauling a race car all over the country, when it's not competitive at all. Chuck Seitsinger doing the same thing with his turbo car. My only guess is they do it to try and stay relevant.

  3. I don't think his crew has a clue how to fix this chassis to run down track. I respect the effort but time to hire someone to come atleast get car setup chassis wise. Then the tuning would be the easy part. Its almost like the car is setting on springs with no shocks. It loads the suspension so fast on the hit then it can't do anything but unload the tire. Then it goes crazy with all the power trying to be put down.

  4. I might talk bad every now and than but I just want you to do good man tired of you losing I think if you would of stayed procharger you would’ve had it figured out

  5. You've got the rear end completely set up wrong. First, looks like ur wheelie bars are at the wrong angle for the track or they are actually upside down. You leave so hard and the front is so light ur bouncing off your wheelie bars everytime and it continues to break traction and bunny hop. The car is not hooking and that's why ur bunny hops are straight as an arrow now. The problem going left or right or dead hooking was never the real problem. Your shocks and springs in the back are not working in sync like they should. It also looks like ur tire pressure is too high after watching several launches in slow motion. Tires are not getting up and hooking. Not enough surface area/rubber is on the ground. It would 100 behoove u brother and save yourself alot of money to get the car to a chassis man bcuz the back half is out of sorts. Driving around the country with a car that ain't ready has gotta be expensive and u said urself u wouldn't put Reaper out there if the car wasn't competitive. Get off the road, go home and get ur car lined out brother bcuz you are never going to fix it urself while trying to drive the toterhome & chasing the NPK circuit all over the country. Go back to Oklahoma and get it right then go chase the circuit with something competitive that can at least make useful passes where u can get data bcuz right now ur just chasing ur tail Mr.Reaper with all due respect!

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