Crazy Changes to NPK – No Prep News Episode 138

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Samuel Mical
P.O. Box 2750
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  1. Great episode SIM-blematic! I heard Disco Deans name and the color of his car (pink/purple) secretly reference codeine cough syrup.Whenever you say his name Dis-Codeine he gets a chuckle..could this possibly be true??
    thoughts and prayers to your chin, hope that band-aid comes of easily. wait.. what? lol ..Love you brother.

  2. Lizzy was crazy fast on the big end. Drove around everyone except for Ryan all weekend. Ky swung for the fences against Ryan and he got way out of shape.

  3. wtf underrated stinky pinky wow he is slamming big names for yrs butterfly's on the screw blower if ya going to talk about something GET KNOWLEDGE FIRST lol

  4. i think swan had to go the screw since he had it and can't afford another intake for the procharger and all the parts to fix it that way. personally i think its bad choice to go with when the car is setup for the procharger.

  5. Why is the finney girl working for kye Kelley now and not for her father bird man ?? Find out the scoops !! On kye’s you tube she was full on hands on ….

  6. Ryan Martin is by far the glue that keeps the 405 held together these days it would crush that group of guys if he was to ever leave that team because they would become just average Joe's but on the other hand he should definitely be the king of NpK after the money spent with Petty to get him up where he's at but a lot of those teams could be able to pay for some professional help, to get them further ahead in the game…. Now Kye and Lizzy considering the circumstances are very fortunate that Pat gets their engine programs where they need to be… Sim I'm like you, I like the look of the old cars that look like they've been through hell and back and Justin now has the engine combination to rule with, if him and pops can get that horsepower figured out and stuck to the ground at the different places they go to for the rest of the year and stinky hopefully has a winning combination now too because he was taking a lead sled the past couple or so years and really competing against these basic pro mod cars and doing very damn well with it, being it's a former 10.5 purpose-built car

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