Cops vs Kid on Dirt bike #policechase #bike #motorcycle #cops #policechasebike #bikechase #evadecops #evade #chased #biker #sport #policecop #chasecop
Cops vs Kid on Dirt bike #policechase #bike #motorcycle #cops #policechasebike #bikechase #evadecops #evade #chased #biker #sport #policecop #chasecop
Where is the full video?
Hasn't finished editing maybey
probably because the property owner called the police, assuming that this is private property.
Dont try and act innocent when you have posted yourself breaking the law and running from the police
that’s exactly u. U think ur right when ur not. Running from the cops is a felony and makes u guilty. U provide proof on a camera which has been published on social media which makes u guilty. U can get charged with fleeing a scene. And even if this was a skit/fake cop. U will still be charged with a felony as invoking a police officer is against the law and u will be charged with a felony. U can end up in prison and have fine over 500$- EU.
My kids ride, they have asked neighbors to use their back roads, some say yes,some say no. The ones that say yes,the boys fix their fences. Do chores for them. They know my boys and they know they respect the land owners property.
Trouble weather
Nice escape bro
Don't break the law and don't run from the cops