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  1. if theres a way to actually prove! that a race is rigged I would like to see it. Laying down for a teammate to win is one thing but there is NO Way!! a full event could or would be rigged! you can’t even predict what a specific car or team is going to make the next round…. just saying

  2. Sim mate, ryan martin is hooked the fuck up brother.. fuel tech and proline have many contacts here.. production might have contacts but not in the car world so why would ryan rely on production to organise anything when his own contacts would be much better and actually know cars??

  3. There is always people looking for drama, and that's what this channel is turn into picking apart and trying to destroy the show that we all love this season on the 405 there's been less drama in all the seasons prior. I think you're just butt hurt because you're number one character who was a drama queen isn't on the show any more and we all know who that is.

  4. Only reason why people would say that is that their guy lost the only real reason why the Australians didn't do as well as they should have it because they're running on a no prep surface and most the time they run prepped down there

  5. They are growing a franchise. They're not going to rig it. I see a lot of the personal stuff going by the wayside. I see more classes. I see more rules. Hopefully it doesn't go plastic cookie cutter like the NHRA. I also see just about everything going Hemi. There's no reason not to. The forged aluminum Hemi is the apex motor. Just order the hard parts choose the fuel delivery, and induction, and go get it. No exotic or complex machining to try to make something else good enough to compete.

  6. A local shop here in Perth offered to fix the car for Ryan but he turned them down and had it sent to a shop in Melbourne who is involved with organising the street outlaw events in Australia.
    Kye kelley looked the fastest on small tyres by a heap.
    I was at the racing on saturday. Aussies are whining sore losers.. ( I'm a new Zealander living in perth)
    Round 1 grudge races were negotiated
    Round 2 grudge races were numbers pulled out the bucket with no negotiations. the murder nova vs the promod race was the very last race of the night and Shaun just treed him real bad, then the promod went round him just after the 60ft.
    Farm truck had a few good runs also, hustled alot of money out of the Aussies.

  7. I was involved as a crew member at Perth
    It’s not rigged
    The OG”s won it on the negotiations
    Who got the hit, lining up on back tyres always to there advantage and so they kick a lot of butts
    They were very fast on a no prep surface
    But if you see the amount of carnage you’ll realise it wasn’t rigged
    Everyone was going for it, it’s just different racing for us drag racers
    A great new event

  8. You are too negative, they are in a different country and it takes time to figure out things. You and your plan in place is Bullshit. You are always too negative and nuts on your observations. Chill out and you brain won’t hurt like it looks when you say these negative and your BS plans stuff

  9. Nah, no rig. They just don’t race on a scraped track and they struggle on any track that isn’t prepped. You don’t see Australia come over and try NPK over here because they prefer prep.

  10. To all the people that think it's all scripted and rigged you don't make sense if it were rigged why would they let Jim Howe beat Ryan Martin and kye Kelly and what about all the wrecks and fire was that fake fire on swansroms car I mean give me a break why would they stack all the rules against someone you think is scripted to win so just miss me with all that bullshit

  11. The racing is 110% real. The money is real although the top guys get money per episode. Sean hasn't won on NPK and he might be the highest paid guy out there on the TV show side of it. Look the racing is real but it is a TV show. So Probably some of the b***** drama is pushed by the producers but the racing is real

  12. I do think they create a situation where the racers have to change they're setup like putting on small tires and that makes the car slower than what we see on most of the shows. Also Murder Nova mentioned that he didn't have any VP fuel after he was told that it wouldn't be a problem. Now he has to run whatever they can get. I'm sure to some people who know nothing about what goes into setting up a car or tuning etc it's easy to pop off and say that it's rigged

  13. rigged 1st race bs man ryan is done robins car got smashed man in shipping container
    its all promods but listen these mfers are sharing tools u hve a cube to work from thats all

  14. The thing people forget is Lutz, stinky Pinkney,and Robin Robert's are the only ones on big tires…. everyone else is on small tires so if they line up with a big tire car they might negotiate the hit…. which is why that murder nova race looked like it was rigged

  15. They negotiated getting the hit and that's why you see races where one car leaves before the other car. It's because they all took small tire cars over there or it's because they were racing a legit pro-mod.

  16. I think npk competitively is just way more advanced then Australia. The npk guys are racing weekly and getting paid for it. As a team they have more hours on the no prep track.

  17. Sim if you watched anything. Australians put their hands up straight away. So Pilgrim didnt have to. bECAUSE AUSSIES ARE GOOD PEOPLE. wE OFFERED HIM A WHOLE BLOODY CAR. aND ENDED UP GIVING HIM A WHOLE CARBON FRONT END. Cmon man. get with it.

    Other than ROBIN ROBERT car being in a crash the truck carrying the container rolled over it appears that his car is just panel damage problem with us in australia we had no idea what cars were coming over WORD on the street is there going to have a world 20 fastest in the world ??? cant just have the 405 ? no he isnt i dont wanna say to much but melbourne is on the way to queensland btw no its no we have australia v USA every yr so ya not up to date on the funny car game ? PERTH in our cuba IF yes no wat i mean wait till the next race the east coast is much more pro-chargers so the gray car HOLDEN TORANA its your chevy VEGA the little green car is a holden lx torana gtr

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