Cali VS The World Car show & Grudge race at Sacramento Raceway hosted by Donkzilla and Sac Speed Shop . Donks , box chevys and chevelles flooded the track! Also the Hard Tire Shootout had some MAJOR upsets leading up to the grand finale – Donkzilla VS Bill Collector for the Worlds Fastest Donk Title!
Donkzilla VS Bill Collector
Donkmaster vs 2FLY
Donkmaster Vs Donkzilla
Y'all lit tonight. Turned up
Donkzilla beat bill collectors
Thats that hayward catt had a chevelle on 8s at one point ….. then got into store ownership ….. had a lil bad lightskin batch as a young buck
Good job Hayward …….. but we all know EASSSSTTT SIDEEEE and all the money still dont make ya ass real ….. S/o SS SHAWN EAST OAKLAND CALIFORNIA MANE
Nobody beating Donkzilla
Donkzilla one fast Dooonnnkkk!!
That silent killer wet and he doing numbers got some power under neath the
Yeah donkzilla a beast
That bill collector ain't have no type of work good luck with that better mechanic
It’s going be on
Too fly hate to see somebody else shining
lighter cars shouldnt be running donks it should be all donks n big body cars