1. Was out and about today and had a gold 66 charger pull up next to me at the light. I thought I would mention it because you don't see 66 s too often. I see more Marlin's than ,66 charger's

  2. Someone get this man a flex zilla 1/4in hose so he can throw it over his shoulder and let it hang down his back. You can regulate your fan stream and pressures. By squeezing the hose with your left hand. Grandpa never even used a regulator just kink the hose. He could lay down some of The most prettiest lacker you Ever Seen.

  3. I wanna see more of his thick primer lay down!!!……then he can block sand down to a super strait color……well, obviously body panels play a part, etc, but hopefully its strait enuf, so high build primer will net a nice block sanding pallete for him to work from…..NICE!!

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