As most of you know, I hurt a piston in my Malibu’s 421 a few weeks back grudge racing a 557ci Big Block Malibu at National Trail Raceway during the JaxWax Street Madness Event.
Totally my fault. The car ran 10.50’s at 126mph a week later and showed no sign of an issue. Until it started huffing out the breathers.
But, thanks to “Uncle Bob” my 421 is back, better than ever! Check out the first test drive AND our progress on the 55!
What a great group of young hardworking Americans at the body shop. That is what America is about …. Not the crap you see on the nightly news.
That red Dodge was beautiful!
Looks like House of Pearl is fixing to get busy
When you do the Falcon you need to stretch and flair the rear wheel wells, if you put the old tear drop hood scoop on like the T Bolts Fairlane would help get hot air out of Engine bay . Trim up the shock towers more room , it would be nice to pull the LS and put in a GODZILLA Engine more cu in and stronger
Love that malibu
I'm ready for the MOTTA give away!
I say put a slick one on the 55 would be awesome
So glad to hear yall getting them painted. So sick of this new "patina" fad that looks pathetic. Plus all the cars that never get finished. Just mismatched panels all over it. Oh and don't get me started on wraps.
Good morning Bill. This next couple months are gonna be great,
What A awsome body shop and good to see the Mailbu going again .be safe.❤thank you Bill.
I would love to see the Falcon with a new slick black paint job and a 7.3 godzilla. 🙂
Allen Grove makes a TON of different brackets for any problems you have trying to solve your alternator/ power steering/ air compressor placement…..!
when you build the new garage, make a special place for the falcon and the S-10 for when they’re retired. The S 10 started the channel and the falcon took it to the next level. You guys got to keep them both.
So happy everything is coming together bill I am looking so forward to seeing all them hot rods all painted up. You and Billy absolutely have the best channels on YouTube hands down.
I’m might talk to them about painting my Nova.
Have Billy put a straight edge on the panhard bar. I got sideways and bounced a little bit one race hitting a dip in the road. After car kept shooting left everytime it cam into power. Found my panhard bar was bent. Put it in the press and added a 1/4 inch. Checked others and had a couple bent ladderbar ends as well.
Bill it seems you have found another great team at House of Pearl's.That paint on the Dodge truck looked fantastic.
Its great to see a group of young folks starting a business and caring about there work so much.
Can't wait to see the new shop
That candy Brown ❤!! Awesome video , looking forward to seeing how the nova turns out .
How do like your Atlas lift? I've been trying to do my homework on different brands before i commit to buy a 4 post.
None of the earl shine paint job lol
Awesome family you guys!
Bill, you are welcome for the support. Three of the best YouTube channels on here. Love your family and your content. Can’t wait to see all you cars get the love they all deserve.
Hey Bill good morning how come y'all don't take it back down to Lucore? Just asking.
The Nova Billy's number that is. I apologize for not putting that in there.
go mare bucko
I hope you put in a lift in the new shop strong enough so Jeremy won’t have to work on the Ram in the dirt
Great update on everything! Thank you.
Was hoping to see you all at slugfest
I guess I will have to say it again your videos are top-notch, the editing and the Drone shots are fantastic. Plus doing them with voice over is the best way. All other YouTube video makers should take notice
Bill I feel like family after being with you for over 2 years, I never miss a vid on this channel and SRC I also support Gen-2 keep on keeping on I AM FROM THE 303
Niki is smokin!
I love this channel Id rather watch this then anything on TV.