1. That is Awesome Bill. My only bit of advice is go as big of a shop as you possibly can. When I got my shop which is 40×46 3bay it seemed huge like plenty, well just a few short yrs later and Im out of space moving stuff around and reconfiguring the setup to make room for stuff. Take care guys

  2. Wow, Thats going to be a good looking building. Inside and Out. Having EVERYTHING under one roof is going to be a HUGE advantage. And its DEFINITELY going to reduce a HUGE amount of stress on everyone. The heated floor are going to be FANTASTIC for filming for all involved. NOT having to deal with the background noise of fans or HVAC units running. The heated floors make the work area so comfortable. I suspect that your excitement will increase when the work actually starts. The rest of 2023 is going to be very fun to watch as this building gets put together. Sure, its going to have its stressful moment's along the way. But hey, Just remember this is going to be a HUGE improvement in the whole families lives. So what ever happens. In the end its going to well worth it.

  3. Congrats on starting your new shop project. A word of friendly advice, build it as BIG as you can. We all find a way to fill them up. Look at it this way, the bigger the building, the less grass you have to mow….. Hope to see your nova running soon.

  4. Seriously love watching you and your family. I'm Billy's age and been watching him since day one. I love the journey you all have been on and it's just awesome to see that hard work and dedication really does pay off. My pops and I are talking about staring a channel as well. We are about 2 hours away from Columbus and I think it would be cool to get a little grudge race between you and my pops. He has a hellcat Challenger that has a few bolt ons but I think it would be a good grudge race. Hopefully will meet and talk with you guys at a Cincy street night or national trail raceway this year.

  5. Hey Bill, get in tough with Matt @DeiselCreek he literally just built his shop with a heated floor, and did 90% of the work himself. could be a great collaboration opportunity

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