A 300+ shot of nitrous on 24s went like this…😳 Grudge Races admin — August 3, 2023 · 15 Comments source grudge race grudge racing no prep kings grudge Npk grudge street outlaws grudge
That thing went down through there nice keep it coming I dream of going that fast one day it's coming Reply
Ghetto racing LMFAO!!! When shit breaks down parts are stolen from somewhere! Baaaahahahahajajajaja Reply
I was expecting the wheels to pop off
man has the willard faction from gta
That's some good traction there!
Dam.. He would still get a better quarter with a smaller rim, taller tire set up.
But why put 24's?
That thing went down through there nice keep it coming I dream of going that fast one day it's coming
It didn't even squat and still hooked. Sounds amazing.
Thats more then 300
Ruined a perfectly good ss
What Warren G say "if I had wings I wld fly"
Ghetto racing LMFAO!!! When shit breaks down parts are stolen from somewhere! Baaaahahahahajajajaja
Drag strip will change when black community understands physics behind slicks
Pretty soon they be drag racing with monster truck wheels up on the bu's and carlo's
Dang! That thing went straight as an arrow.