1. First, the safety crew has to get there way faster in that situation. That's unacceptable. It looked like swanstrom's car blew up and oiled the track causing the other car to lose control and slide into him. They have to get that safety crew squared away. That's just awful.

  2. that car was a easy fix before super dumbass rear ended Justin what kind of idiot does that I mean he was getting drug by a car with the engine failing… and that track crew and security needs fired on the spot a local event with no name driver's would and have done better

  3. WTF!!!
    This track safety organizer sucks!!!
    This Tracks safety crew don't take Shit serious enough obviously!!!!
    It should never take that long for at least 2 guys with fire extinguishers to make it to the car with the fire extinguisher ready to go! I know people are going to say they done the best they could but obviously that wasn't good enough a fire is different than a car flipping or slamming the wall etc when someone's race car is on fire 5 seconds 10 seconds could be the difference of no Burns, 4th degree burns, or death I don't understand why drag strips usually just have the safety crew at the start or end of the track! If this same scenario happened 300-foot out and the safety crew is at the end of the track you better hope you're able to get out cause if not and you stay in the cockpit with a fire like Swanstrom just had you would be seriously burned or dead every track should have at least two people with fire extinguishers around the 200 ft and 400 ft and obviously at the end of the shutdown I think this would not only save somebody from third or fourth degree burns but save as much of your car as possible cause that's $100 bills just burning away!
    And I guess you think a little different and prepare for the worst after you have had third and fourth degree burns on 30% of your body, thank goodness Flames didn't cause mine instead 300-320 degree water and the fourth degree burns affects your muscles and possibly even your bones thank goodness my only affected my muscles and nerves third-degree was nothing compared to fourth degree my point for saying this is getting burned by flames trapped in a cockpit that's got to be terrifying even if you're not trapped and you still have to unbuckle everything so just 5 seconds few seconds matters once the flames start to burn you! I think there should be someone with fire extinguishers every at 200 ft and 400 ft not just at the beginning and end of the track I hate to sound like a know-it-all or a dick head but when you've had fourth degree burns, being in excruciating pain for months, can't sleep, never comfortable, has to be cleaned thoroughly twice-daily and rub down with the Silvadene cream and my worst hanging was the doctor scrubbing the dead skin off after golf ball size blisters dried up errrrrr I do pretty well with pain I was only 16 on this happen but the doctor would have to gather nurses up to hold me down the pain was that bad there's just no way around it can't numb it and the dead skin has to come off! I was so happy and thankful when Justin Humpty Dumpty over the concrete wall because that was a bad one those Flames was spreading fast A LOT faster then the safety crew with the extinguishers!
    You don't want to see this happen to anybody especially your car bursting in Flames and seconds later getting pit maneuver at 200 mile an hour by the guy you just beat! I mean what kind of luck is that holly hell that's got to be a rare occasion your car bursting into flames and seconds later getting smashed in the right rear double whammy Justin and his family/team work hard not just getting to each track but running a YouTube channel and a full time Business back home.
    Justin has done whatever it took to get that car built, tested, and fast as hell! Last year finishing third in points and that was his first full season with NPK with a brand new car different engine and tranny combo and the kid comes to race to win he's not like some of these veteran NPK 405 guys (which I like most of them) but it's like year after year they don't take it serious just coming to look pretty in the pits and stay relevant! That's why Chuck Seitsinger acted the way he did last season when he tried to burn Justin down purposely taking over 2 mins to burnout and Stage the car then guess the light and Won by a couple cars! The iconic video clip of Chuck screaming to the top of his lungs happy because he guessed the light and beat swanstrom, watching that clip of Chuck easily shows how much of a threat Justin swanstrom is to the 405 and they can't stand a rookie 25-year-old coming into their series whooping up on them! It seems like every 405 Guy has an excuse I'm sorry guys but it's been five seasons and people like Chuck are still making excuses saying people like swanstrom should beat his little twin turbo small block I think that just makes them look weak and dumb especially when a twenty-five-year-old rookie to NPK builds a new car that can win and run side by side with Ryan Martin last season right off the trailer first race!
    You could tell last season by the way other drivers treated him they knew swangang was there to win!

    That's enough of me ranting, wasn't planning on getting sidetracked just hate to see this happened especially the other guy crossing into jusrins Lane and smashing his car , the fire damage alone was going to be hard and costly enough to build back !
    Just a thought cause I'm superstitious, the last white car he ran in NPK he slammed the wall and totaled it Justin is superstitious like me it be the perfect time to change prenups colors

  4. It took the safety crew 65 seconds to start putting the fire out! I will be having a discussion with the track officials, Owner , CEO whoever is in charge of this piss-poor safety crew they have

  5. If this NPK shitshow is selling more tickets than NHRA national events, then they can afford to have a full time trained professional safety safari like the NHRA does.

  6. As a person who’s at maple grove almost every weekend…. The safety team was there quickly, maple grove and their team is always on their game. Those who only go for these big events don’t know the staff of maple grove. Just my 2 cents.

  7. Emergency response was Very SLOW! A man
    Could be burning alive
    Inside of car and no
    Safety Safari to be seen?
    Also to many people standing on starting line
    Doing nothing but creating a safety risk!
    This would not happen
    In NHRA Drag Racing!

  8. SORRY to see JUSTIN but WTF were where the track fire ppl it too 50 seconds for anyone to get there and 1.25 sec to any fire retardant to start the track officials SHOULD BE SACKED fuckem !!!! they got to ppl quicker at war in the woods so who ARE THE PROS DISUSING

  9. Man I ain't never seen a fucking response team that damn slow that man's car is totalled cause the fire people must been asleep thank God justin got out the car can be replaced but damn they were ridiculous slow

  10. The first wreck that helped cause this wreck the fire crew took just as long if not longer. The Patriot burnt bad. Left so much fuel and oil on the track in that spot. I wasted so much money. This event should of been postponed.
    These was the 2nd set after a crash.
    3 wrecks in 1 day. It was Friday the 13th

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