1. That is awesome Lil Billy Dale has an S10 as their first street because my official first street car was an S10 as well and it sat low like that one and it was white the only difference is mine had either an 8 or 10in cowl induction hood on it that the previous owner installed on the truck and it had a 406cid SBC with a TH400 transmission back to a 9in and a plate system and a fogger kit for extra insurance and if we were racing it on the street we would only use the plate kit which would give us up to a 500 shot of nitrous itself and then the fogger was good for up to another 500 hit but we only used the fogger at the track or if the street was really good we would use the fogger kit first and then have the 2nd kit come in later on in the run and the thing I liked most about that truck was the fact that someone had built a set of their own redneck engineering Cal-Trak bars but after the first few tests hits we did in the truck they worked really well so we decided to leave them on the truck and leave the truck how they had the suspension set up and we just put our engine and trans in the truck and redone the wiring and that was about it and we raced it every weekend at the track and on the street so it pulled double duty most weekends until we got another street car then we would go back and forth with the street cars and would give them a break every other weekend and we also had two cars that we just raced at the track and that was it for them but the street cars were the work horses pretty much because they would have to make passes at the track during the day and that night for both nights of the weekend Friday and Saturday and mostly on Sunday during the day and sometimes on Sunday nights we would be running them and then if someone called us out during the week as long as they had money to put up and would put up some punk out money as well it didn't matter where they wanted to race as long as the money was right we would travel just to make one hit or one race rather because back then they didn't have a Cash Days where it was a bunch of people racing on the street for one big pot of money you had to go do some smack talking to a bunch of people and if you were lucky you would get under someone's skin and they would race you to try and prove that they had the faster car but most of the time it worked out great for us because we had one of the fastest cars around on the street to the point where we couldn't get any races locally and we ended up having to travel to other counties in our state where other people were street racing just to see if we could get more races to see if we were faster than other people in other counties and then we ended up having to travel to our surrounding states to try to get people from other states to race us and eventually nobody from our surrounding states would race us on the street on small tires the only guys that would ever agree to race us would be guys that had full tube chassis cars with bigger and better engines and big tires nobody on small tires would race us at all on the streets so that is why I like the fact that people started to adapt to the way they were doing it on the Street Outlaw show and started making all street races a Cash Days where you know you're going to have a race no matter what as long as the cops don't show up and in those Cash Days you can still do side bets if you want to so even if you don't win the entire event you can still win some money as long as people are confident in their car's and are willing to do side bets which me I'm always willing to do side bets if I have the extra money because the way I see it is you can't take it with you when you leave this world so you might as well spend it and enjoy it while you have it and are young enough to still have fun

  2. Jimmy the next thing you should do to Magic Johnson is put a 4link rear suspension in it and get the Merrilat racing billet 4link brackets and the Tin Soldier's Race Cars low prep brackets and then a set of them long travel front struts for the front end and a Strange stilleto style steering rack and a set of TBM brakes and an ARB from Hammer Concepts and Design or CJRC Cameron Johnson Race Cars and eventually you should build a small block that is basically bullet proof and is a straight nitrous engine and that way you know you can put 3 kits on it and it will handle it and with the rear end you should put a Fab9 in the car and a Strange center section and a QA1 carbon fiber driveshaft

  3. For 9 years old Lil Billy did good for his first time behind the wheel and with them back country roads are perfect for him to learn on and he'll get the hang of it in no time it's just going to take a little practice and if you get him driving good you can take the family on a Drag and Drive event and I know that Rocky Mountain Race Week has a class for kids 13 and up and if you are 13 and up with a licensed driver in the passenger seat and of course you both have to wear a helmet and I'm not sure what else but I know atleast a helmet and they let the kids race up to as fast as like a 9sec 8th mile so that could be something that you can look into doing in the future for you and your family and it could be you and your boy in the race car during the week and have the wife and whoever in a follow car that way in case you get broken down on the side of the road you're not stranded out in the middle of nowhere and I think it would be fun for the whole family

  4. That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life was the wise words that came from Mr. Henson himself man that was some funny stuff right there but I know Mr. Henson is a very smart and intelligent man when it comes to building engines especially big cubic inch engines no matter who makes or designs it as long as it's meant to go fast it will go fast and be reliable as long as Billy tha Kid does his part and keeps up with general maintenance he should be golden now especially since that engine has had three engine builders go through it now and the first and 2nd incidents with that engine was straight from the first engine builders responsibilities and what they lacked the knowledge to do and what they neglected to do the first time and with Bob that wasn't his fault at all either he had a medical emergency that he had to take care of so I'm not saying he couldn't have eventually found the problem and fixed it I'm just saying Mike Henson has built both fast engines and fast cars and he has been behind the wheel of a fast car and alot of the guys in the 405 on the Street Outlaw's show go to him and have him build them an engine from time to time and I have yet to hear anything bad about his engine building skills and I think he even builds a few engines for guys in the NPK

  5. Hey Jimmy you going to start going to the Dig or Die event in Rockingham, N.C.? because I think you should get the other Mustang together as well leave the LS set up in it and send it to either Mike Lough, TKM, SDPC, Texas Speed and Performance, just to name a few really good LS engine builders but out of them all I would start with TKM, SDPC, and Mike Lough in that order because all three of them are great at building a high horsepower LS for a decent price range especially TKM for a Stage 3 427cid Black Sheep engine which is what they call their stage 3 427 LS is the Black Sheep and that engine has made like 2280hp to the rear hubs on a hub dyno so I would get them to build you a 427cid LS and drop that in the white car and cut that car up and put a 25.1 or 25.2 chassis in it and mini tub it so you can fit a 29×12.5 when you want to but I know alot of no prep races in Texas allow you to run a 29×10.5 and everywhere else you have to run a 28×10.5 but I think you should build the 2nd car to go really fast and get it as light as possible then you can make weight bars and mount them to weight tabs all in and around the car to make the car work how you want it to for the surface you're running on and so on but with a 2nd car you can run pretty much any class at any track in any state and you can travel with two cars and have twice the chance of winning and taking home some money to the wife and kids and once she sees you winning and bringing home money all the time she'll be much happier than she was when you first told her that you were building a 2nd car to go really fast and if you're not going to build it would you be interested in selling it?

  6. What is going on with your boy in the wheelchair I noticed he has what they call a pic-line in his arm and he's in the wheelchair obviously I'm just curious because I'm also in a wheelchair because I have what they call spinal bifida and I have hydrocephalus which with spinal bifida that means that your spine didn't fully develop when you were in the womb and without surgery from the Dr you could end up paralyzed from the gate and you can develop a bunch of other medical problems along with it and even with surgery some people still come out paralyzed no matter what and if you aren't paralyzed you will still walk with a limp and you can be physically challenged with alot of other things like you might not be able to ride a bike or run or alot of other physical things and you can be in therapy on and off your entire life and with hydrocephalus you have what they call a shunt in your head that as long as you push it yourself it keeps from the fluids from building up in your head and if it stops working you have minutes maybe seconds to get help from your Dr it's basically equivalent to your heart stopping if your shunt stops working but on top of them two main problems I develop pressure ulcers really easily and every now and then they have to put a pic-line in to combat the infection that comes along with developing the ulcers and I lost my leg to infection from an ulcer when I was 18 and im 37 now so almost 20 years ago I lost it from an infection from an ulcer getting to the bone and I just recently got a pic-line removed after having it in for a month and a half and that was on top of being in the hospital for 2 months before they put the pic-line in then they put it in a few days before they released me then I had a pic-line, foley catheter, and two pressure ulcers with a wound vac on them to take care of at home for a month and a half and all that is alot for a person and his significant other to take care of at home by themselves with no medical supervision

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