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These guys are ambassadors for the whole industry, they were the guys that pushed me to get my xp pro and my bro. They need to be sponsored, come on Can Am or Polaris, you guys are messing up, keep it up guys, great stuff
You guys are amazing. Thank you guys again for letting us barrow tools at the sand x event so I can limp my car back to camp. Yall are truly down to earth people. Hope to see you guys at more events or out on trails some day. Have safe travels and safe rides
I just found this place a few days ago can’t wait to check it out
You guys need to do like Cletus 2 step check before every run for good luck
You got rid of the only people that worth watching
The giveaway sxs has an rsk cage and I had them build mine for my four seater and it’s really great they make great stuff here in Utah
I can hear George, “always check your 2 step!!” Please wear gloves when handling fuel and brake clean. Had a friend get cancer from years of exposure as a mechanic because of brake clean and harmful liquids.
You guys need to get some light weight helmets makes a big difference riding all day and jumping
Always bring a spare pump
I hope that 2 step check was at about 4 am. You can't be a part of the Waynoka 4 AM tuners club unless you're doing that in the wee hours of the morning.
That was a Dougallydoo
Bet he cleans that filer every trip now.
Hi sxs vlog can you powder coat my four wheeler frame and I live close by u guys and we can ride together sometime
I am SO sad I missed you guys on my old stomping grounds. SO much history in those dunes. SUPER happy I get to see y'all rippin it, though!
I think Doug needs to treat himself to the new Maverick R!!!!
Those facilities are sweet! I could park my Lazy-Boy in the garage and have a good ol' time! Can't do that at Glamis.
I was worried about Doug driving … but it turns out as long there are no fences, he's fine.
Don’t eat cereal in the morning with that bowl
Leo’s pro r just looks massive compared to the other rzrs coming over that jump in the beginning
Why is it only doug driving 2jp & hellforce? I want to see the other guys also drive them… Has anyone else on the team ever driven 2jp?
I got to meet all of you at American oises and I want to say y’all are awesome and 2jp on cameras doesn’t do jt justice to irl
Lort, itsa damn shame…lol
I like the side mirror camera angle. Good vid, looks like a blast. Thanks dudes keep it up.
On your way to glamis you should stop by little Sahara Utah. We have a hill called big sand mountain that everybody drag races up. I hear and have not confirmed that’s it’s the longest vertical climb in the US. Be sweet to see what your machines can do.
Wish I could have gone looks fun and the new cabins are sweet!
Thanks for visiting America’s Oasis and little Sahara State Park in Waynoka, Oklahoma.
Ben Davis is a good guy. It’s great that y’all were able to make it out there to that event, he has been working on that property for almost 2 years now
Need sand paddles on hellforce when it’s all fixed
You guys should soup up a segway Villian . They boast a 105 hp out of the box
Hi boys, just leaving a comment for the Al Go Rhythm
I would like to see an OG machine challenge. Nick on a wildcat, Doug in a maverick ect. Bring back all the OG machines that y’all had when the channel started.
My first trip to Little Sahara, I understand what Mike said about underestimating it. We found 2J, but never did run into you guys. Maybe next year…
That new camp was really nice.. well done. Wish we could have ripped a night sesh with you guys.. Thanks for making the long haul..
Might wanna clean that filter after every ride. Y’all got too much in that bike for something so simple to go boom.