1. Much Respect and Love to Both ,Ryan ,and Disco !❤ Two of the best Sportsmen and Straight Up Good Guys in The NPK Street Outlaws ❤ Definitely want Both of these OG Outlaws to do very well !!!!❤❤❤ Thanks Boosted ! As always Amazing Footage !!!❤

  2. At least boosted didn't f up and screw disco dean over like he did at mega cash days. Made a insanely dumb call boosted shouldn't have been allowed to race master for mega cash days after he fd up so badly

  3. My question for the RaceTrac cuz you guys said it's no prep I would like to see a video how they do that do they scrape the track before you guys get there or they just leave it alone or tell me how they prepare your track difference between no prep and prep

  4. Remember when Boosted made that dumbass call with Dean and Axman? He said he can’t look at other people’s phones to verify the light came on because the rules say he can only use the TV cameras… then he called Murder Nova a jump purely based on Bobby Ducote’s cell phone video. What a piece of trash human being he has turned into. He is nothing but a puppet for the production team.

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