Donkmaster’s Z06 Donk takes on Bruce AkA Beengettingcashfyb in their Big Block Box Chevy “White Privilege” in an end-of-the-night grudge race at Fast & Flashy 9
Donk racing 2023
donk crash
z06 donk
Donkmaster’s Z06 Donk takes on Bruce AkA Beengettingcashfyb in their Big Block Box Chevy “White Privilege” in an end-of-the-night grudge race at Fast & Flashy 9
Donk racing 2023
donk crash
z06 donk
Bruce gap dm badddd smh lol. Glad Bruce an everybody ok
Mann Bruce don’t be wanting to let off that gas he be really wanting to kill a bih dead lol
If him and Donk master would've went through. At the same time, it would have been bad. Bruce is dangerous..
I think dm trun up on that one but a win is win
The universe let em know there’s no such thing as white privilege lmao
Will everyone be going to the vegas event?
Is it me or the zo6 gettin slow
Hope he build a better looking car that was one ugly as car..gud win
Didnt wonna race the blur lol
Do anyone know why he did not pull the chute.
They talking bout stay from under the hood
Z06 may not be the same but everyone you race dm got to turnt everything up just to win
Pray no one was hurt
Will the z06 ever be the same
Donk master run through them all little at time
Bro used all the nitrous would have loved to see a time glad he is alright
That bad boy was rolling .
Gdawg gotta do better require already post this shit
I love Bruce he no scary like the other m
Donk master overattered
Bruce just whooped a pro mod
So what exactly was it that took him out exactly now? The parachute or the way the back wheels were. ?
He still got his life ,motor n transmission, rear end and wheels, HE'S A WINNER!!