She Street Races A Hell Cat Swapped Ram Truck with ZERO Experience!

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  1. Iam glad Justin tested the blue tooth driveshaft out before he put you in it, you're learning well and will be killing pavement real soon. Hope to see you drive the blower truck soon

  2. Hey the amazing Lacey blair a nother awesome and great video on your channel u put out the awesome content on your channel u definitely my favorite Youtuber keep looking so gorgeous

  3. Welcome to Michigan hope you enjoy your time too bad they still mess up the show every year with the way they handled the crowd… need to change up how they let you view the races even with VIP bands in the stands you’re still have your view blocked by people standing at the fence trying to see the racing

  4. A full on 100% street car won and beat a bolt on Viper so impressive and fair. Glad the girls don't get treated diffrent or handed a way better faster full race car to get handed the win.

  5. Good job, wish you had some seat time in the truck, Justin can drive, I been in so many cars and trucks with him, youthink o my god, but he knows the limit, great video

  6. Lacey is a very beautiful super hot sexy woman but what really kills me bout her is those incredible beautiful get lost in blue eyes , sorry Zach but I know anytime y'all are goin at it if she looks up at you with those crazy beautiful blues it just has to cause you to end with a bang really quick

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