Man you was on a pass when you steam rolled that red mustang the last race how much nitrous was you spraying fuck that was the fastest pass I ever seen you make.
You need to watch your little cracks about Jesus because your new little found Fame and your money maker can be taken just as quick as you got it, just saying
That Randy clip from South Park was hilarious. Killer video Jimmy, I work 3rd shift and watching your videos really starts my nights off right. I'm a Jimmy Dale'n MFer.
Man you was on a pass when you steam rolled that red mustang the last race how much nitrous was you spraying fuck that was the fastest pass I ever seen you make.
Okay the clarence carter at the end settles it for me. That made it a good video
Off the frickin hook. Johnson an Jimmy D dialed in. ✌✌✌✌
Awesome video bud and can't wait for my lil wing for my 88 notch
"Magic for the WIN, the Womp was at the end" ought to be a sticker or a shirt!
Jimmy Dale has a hair trigger!
Magic Johnson had something to get off his chest!!!!!!
You need to watch your little cracks about Jesus because your new little found Fame and your money maker can be taken just as quick as you got it, just saying
Hail Right!!!!
Nice job
I would've done the same thing, if u wanna sit there forever purging u better be ready when u roll n the beams.
Some good racing
His choice of music is spot on. The Mexican horns to SMOKIN! Jimmy Dale has it all!
That Randy clip from South Park was hilarious. Killer video Jimmy, I work 3rd shift and watching your videos really starts my nights off right. I'm a Jimmy Dale'n MFer.
Jus Jimmy Dalin
I still think you need to change the name of the channel to "ADHD Racing"
Lol hit ‘‘em with that Clarence Carter!!!! That shit had me rolling. Keep up the bangers bro
Great video bud I'm proud of you thanks for sharing with us
Shit its the come get u sum driver
If you can watch this without cracking a smile. We cant be on the same channel! Ohh,,, that looked like a 330' gap. Daaaayum
Dang ole Jimmy Dale
Jimmy Dale, will you ship a t-shirt to Saskatchewan Canada, quarantine no one around here is wearing one !!!!
Best video yet
When you get through talking ,, you slow as fkkkkk!!!
Get em jimmah. You are awesome and love watching your videos. "Stroking to the east stroking to the west"……..
Jimmy Dale you are awesome and keep it up and good luck and be safe and God bless you
Thanks uncle BOB
Killer content bruh
Best video yet Cuz! Haven't seen them all. Coming from Mishawaka, Indiana!
Love jimmys vids ❤ magic to the front !