The 2023 Brisbane Jamboree has been run & won and what a crazy few days at the track it was for our team! We were thrown a few curve balls, by way of a challenging start line that had our clutch guys working overtime, some ignition Gremlins with the Mazda6 and the RX8 just being it’s usual unruly self, keeping the crew on their toes each and every pass, but in the end, as usual, the team came together and made things happen when they needed to!

With many of the usual Factory Xtreme cars entrants MIA for the event, Rodney stepped up to race the 13B RX8 against the big dogs and of course his big bro in the Mazda6 and although both cars had their issues, they battled their way through the field and ended up paired up in the finals for one last battle – 13B vs 20B & not a piston in sight…

Already a win for the Pac team, the final race was sure to be a thrilling spectacle and while it wasn’t a full race to the finish line, as you’ll see in this highlight clip, it was a great watch and shows just how exciting sport compact racing can be!



  1. When you’re 13b program is deadlier than your big block!! Please PAC go back to Quick-drive, your best ever, 6-30 or so first with it?? You boys should literally be cracking the fives by know but always tossing and turning!! Honestly haven’t seen the MX-6 be anywhere near consistent for years!

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