1. Bill I was in a crappy mood today. Just watching your video and seeing although normalcy and love and just people doing people cheered me right up that's one of the reasons I love your channel it's just real down-home living racing and loving. Thank you for posting you sure did make a huge difference in my life today

  2. I know you’ve had a bad string of events lately but you can really tell in this video your in good spirits and in a good head space. Keep up the good work and love the videos

  3. What's going on with the street racing channel? Seems like the videos have been cut by 2/3. Would love to see more street racing. Hence the name street race channel. I know it's getting more difficult to raise in the street. It is here in Maryland as well. They are cracking down hard. I'm just teasing you guys by the way. I love all three channels you guys are awesome. Senior I am sorry for your loss and I'm so sorry for your loss to the grandkids. I lost my grandparents back to back over a year ago, they died within two weeks of each other. it sucks. But stay together as a family and you guys will be fine. And it looks like that's what you guys are doing. Good luck to you all. Stay safe.

  4. Bill there is so many good moments in this video I don't even know which one I wanna talk about all of the stuff with addie is super cute and I love that your boys and strange engineering helped you out on some of them parts. I don't think your boys specifically Billy will forget everything you did to drive him around and help him race and film in the early days. I think he got a couple of good young men there

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