Special Thanks to Ohio Grudge Racing and D Team! @nationaltrailraceway4632 @ohiogrudgeracing @StripperGlitterMedia @npfmedia420 @G2K
Special Thanks to Ohio Grudge Racing and D Team! @nationaltrailraceway4632 @ohiogrudgeracing @StripperGlitterMedia @npfmedia420 @G2K
Keep up the good content brotha.
Seems like the left lane is ALOT SLOWER..
Thanks for coming out guys!!!
Looking at that mustang run maybe you guys should think about bringing that car to Dig or Die in December I think that car will go rounds and you can get some pay back with Willie Dynamite!
Love the way u guy's run and the videos u make. You probably don't believe this but I smell bear spray in the air every time u take the line. Hìt'em harder next time.