1. I think he left like he said show was getting away from what it was …and him passing on that good money ….shows he wasn't about that like most of them are…. he made right decision he probably making just as much on u tube and it his own shit

  2. Old ass clipped ripped from the show that aired. This isn’t news or why Chief left the show. This was about why Chief and Sean went separate ways. I stopped watching this video in 30 seconds.

  3. More Clickbait just had nothing to do with chief not being on the show it had more to do with production and the rules, and how they wanted to portray some of the races to enhance the drama just like you’re trying to do to get people to pay attention to your channel

  4. I think it was as simple as Chief wanted to get back to real racing instead of the debacle of the first america's list where the idiotic "chase is a race" ruined the show and the network decided to back JJ and his cult.

  5. Audience, I have been with Street Outlaws from day one. Chief has always been about himself, and that's why two partners divided. It's about time Shawn has seen the true Chief, after his ego cost him a best friend and his time on The Discovery Channel. Fame and Money will ruin you, if you have NO control over your morals and ethics in LIFE.

  6. Its good to separate when ur tight friends. I never did and I lost friends that way just by hanging out with them all day long. Then we started getting on each other's nerves.

  7. Chief is a street racer. He did not like the rules that discovery and pilgrim wanted to he stepped away. This video shows 0 reason why Chief left

  8. It was because of the rules being changed for every show…Memphis has a set of rules, Mega Cash Days has a set of rules and cant forget Fastest In America also had its own set of rules.

  9. Cheap wasn't spending much time with family and Sean wanted to spend time with family you can't fault him for that I mean Sean was doing what he needed to as a father and she was putting things ahead of his family even though he's a good guy but you can have 10 different -storys it doesn't matter they're both still friends ask them personally

  10. Shows you the person Chief is. “I don’t care about nothing except racing and winning” but has kids. I don’t care what your passions are, once you bring kids into the world they are the 1st thing you care about, they didn’t ask to be born regardless of why you and their broke up those 2 kids should be your priority before any race or car. He said Shawn is all about his family then racing and Chief is the opposite

  11. I'm glad Chief told Discovery to jam it over changing and making stupid rules to America's list ! the 405 have been list racing for over a decade ! the original chase'is a' race with a flash light is gone now ! WHY ? that's the DNA of Outlaw racing !

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