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With the Sick Seconds 2.0 Camaro down, Aydan gets the Deuce Box 57 Chevy wagon ready and we head out the NMCA race at Martin’s US 131 Motorsports Park for a Sick Shootout. We were joined by some of the best and most unique drag-and-drive cars in the country, from Steve Morris’ Boostmaster wagon to a milk truck!
I'd be ashamed to drive such a sorry looking POS.
The variety of cars was cool.
Love the milk truck and the 57 wagon. Looks like everyone had fun.
I'm missing EJ where's she at?
What does LBT stand for?
Great selection of vehicles and personalities to match. Good stuff.
Sick pizza cruise this year?
Epilepsy Foundation cruise?
Wish I had Steve's wagon
Does the guy with the Terminator have a YT channel?
Good job Ayden
Nice to see Ayden getting comfortable in the wagon again . Great video , but short ….lol. Many thanks.
3 Wagons and a milk truck out of 8 cars. Glad to see Ayden back on track.
Aydens car is a sick machine!
Just one question for you Tom it's been a minute since you gave us updates on the 55 Dennis Taylor is building for you great video
Right on Aiden the 57s looking good buddy Love y’all
I'm not a metal head but your intro is awesome.
Hell yeah that was exciting to watch thanks Tom Bailey
Great Racing !!!!!
They battling it out for Chic Fila??? dang I'm down for that.. I'll race them for that…My truck might only do a 13 in an 1/8th but we will give it hell !!!! … Honestly any excuse to eat there is good for me even if I am paying LOL
Dang around 10:57ish that blue fairmont wagon has the same outdated wheels I have! The old centerline pro stocks I think they were called. I can't even remember now but in the mid 90s these wheels were the ones to have
The WLLZ bumper sticker. Brings back a lot of memories.
Tom stop talkinggggg
thank you for allowing me to come along.
Thanks for the coverage tom that was great to see the Adens got his car working well along with Steve’s car running fast and trouble free maybe.
Great show guys
What is LBT?