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Alex is like the YT, it takes you twice as long to do a job with them 'helping' you.
what am i missing, didn't this guy had a chanel with 2 other blokes ? (making fun of the 1 that had 0 car knowledge)
That aerosol job looked shit in 480p on my phone, no need for a close up or 4K. It makes me feel good about my own aerosol work and that's saying something.
We all no Taylor likes the rear he open about good on him .
interesting but too much dicking around… I'm off… cya
Great channel
Pops and bangs – huge big nope from me.
All it takes is one pop and a horse could spook and land through your windscreen. Happened to Coldcroft Shires recently, miraculously horse and occupants of car were OK but car the horse landed is a write off.
PBS pads are superb…had them in my 172 cup and Cooper S !!
Taylor is spot on! All noise and looks with zero power adders that's textbook RiceGod
Sounds good at idle but gets worse to me as it revs out. Just goes infinitely more rice
Why do you have a white numberplate in front and a yellow in the back? What is the purpose of this??
Power flow are awesome man. I needed a exhaust years ago for my Clio 172. I got one custom made and fitted for 190 quid at a reseller. couldn’t believe it lol. Average price back then for the typical, cobra, miltek, scorpion was still around 400 and would still need fitting.
I really liked all the swearing, made it feel like I was working with you screwing things up myself
In france you technically can do no mods (that means be smart about it), and they don't take your car but they give you a date for an inspection for it to be fully stock, and you can't drive it in the meanwhile
I only realised when he was playing air guitar that he had previously starred in Bill and Ted
The sponsored segments are reminding me of the Wayne's World scene about sponsors…
Overall great content though, great work guys just the sponsor bits are a bit much/cringe.
2 days later no subtitles </3.
I can not watch this without subs.
at @5:18 i honestly thought @autoalexcars said "shall we have a look in your basement"… made the scene so much funnier haha
Watching that mangled boot lid made me cringe inside, and those disgustingly beautiful orange piss wheels look perfectly out of place on a miata. Watching your channel is always a guilty pleasure, a lot of cringe and wholesomeness. Keep it up!
You guys are awesome!! I laughed so much. I love your camaraderie. Keep up the great work guys. All the best.
So £3000 plus 2 days labour x2 blokes!
8:40 I watch it in 720p on iPhone mini, and it still looks like shit.
There are a lot of reasons, but the miata will be the best car