1. Great runs Kayla it sucks you can't win them all but they all know you're definitely one of the top drivers that they're going to hate drawing you no matter what round it is. Great job on the video as usual.

  2. Your doing a great job already this season congrats on for being excerpted on Daddy Dave's team I feel ya all have on hell of a strong team but looks as if it's gonna be some really stiff competition this season with the all new team deal great luck be safe

  3. Kayla, there is no driver that wins every race. Not even Ryan Martin. You and your team have stepped up your game and the hard work shows. Attitude and emotions plays a big role in that driver seat and your handling things much better then previous seasons. You used to be very hard on yourself and angry after a loss and i think that really got you out of the game. Now you dont appear to be upset and you keep your emotions in check. Great job. Stay safe out there.

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