This is for you people that can’t comprehend what it’s like to drive these big rigs across the country. Shout out to the truck drivers, you know who this video is about.
This is for you people that can’t comprehend what it’s like to drive these big rigs across the country. Shout out to the truck drivers, you know who this video is about.
James retard Goed at it again this guy is such a badass behind the screen of that little camera hey tuff guy when you coming back through pa ill come meet your sorry ass and we will see how badass you really are
U do that in some states it for passing only and u can get a ticket and u deserve one its passing only ur not any better than the other .
That was dillussional.
Complains about how people drive but also says he will run into the back of somebody on purpose……
Got a CDL? Why are you in that big of a hurry? For a bullshit race that your not going to win.. I'm a big fucking boy you hit my family it will be a mistake. I'll twist your ass up like a pretzel
You’re the most fragile person I’ve seen related to drag racing. Holy fuck
Bro if I saw your truck I would immediately brake check you
Dude stay out of the fast lane with that rig you are the problem and drive at normal speeds. Hell you are getting past in a left lane by other npk drivers you are driving too slow to be in that lane because of your lack of driving skills you can change lanes you know.
You shouldn't be driving that vehicle you are entitled and don't have the nerve for it. You are going to hurt yourself or someone else and this video proves that.
Guy is such a douche bag I can't even believe he's still running around.
Cory honking cause your going slow in the fast lane haha! Swan gang behind you making a video about you causing a traffic jam
Just like the rest of your operation. Dog azz motorhome, sounds like its about to kill the transmission from shifting every second. You talking about people not holding you back and Swanstrom went by you like you were standing still in a bigger rig than yours. You are the problem as usual. Big talk about how you are arent going to stop yadda yadda, you wont be hitting anyone, just talking loud. You are however entertaining.
Welcome to the life of a truck driver. These guys face these things everyday and deal with it. Maybe just maybe you could have a little of the patience these professionals deal with everyday day in day out. Your not going to stop, your going to wad up people in their cars. Dickhead those dopey, cant drive people, are someones wife, husband, son or daughter maybe think thru thing before you run off at the mouth
Welcome to New England mother f***er! Good luck rear ending someone from New England and run your mouth!
Keep using the word retard! Especially in New England, never mind Oklahoma. I hope you call the wrong person A retard and you catch a fade!
King reaper on the road. My God shut the f#@k up with your bi$%hing.
Lot of innocent people got killed with that type of attitude. showing very poor judgement. keep on the right lane except when going to pass, after you pass move back into right lane, simple as that. good luck on your trip. I think you'll need it. you should also pull over walk a bit and think of what you just video taped, ,,,,that's like you saying your going to commit a crime,, which you are,,, drive save!!
Get that thing out of the fast lane unless you’re passing somebody common sense please.
This dude will soon be back in the Okla. State Penitentiary AKA (Big Mac) if he does what he's saying here. He can go back to being a prison rodeo clown aka (barrelman) .
You really are an idiot Reaper. The fact you have a descent woman that puts up with your antics and your mouth is astonishing to me. Better not let her go…
You just got passed by Swanstrom on the right because your blocking the fast lane and you think that's OK is completely asinine.
yes sir james I been driving 35 years pulling flat bed out of okc leave happy come home cussing everyone all the way home to the purcell exit be safe out there
Always running that mouth and never doing anything
As much has i dont do these videos…yet continues to do a video ….
then dont drive a fucken truck your not the only fuckwit on the road
and another thing you cant fucken drive for shit all your shit is broken fuck off the internet you are a waster of air
You are so right I get ass holes doing it all the time
If you are in the left lane and only doing 10 MPH over speed limit, YOU are the f@cktard. GET THE F@CK OUT OF THE WAY!! N
Get out of the far left lane you fucking idiot. It’s not your lane
Put a sign on the back, if you find yourself riding my ass end, then look in the mirror and say get up on time from now on, that you let you down, not the rig
You have no need to be in the left lane if you're going 10 miles above the posted speed limit and there's no one in the right lane. You have no business hugging that lane and in many states police officers will give you a ticket for doing that. You always seem to be in a great mood not
I think ur the 1 driving and speaking like a moron smh Everyone needs to change for u huh smh
Hit from the rear is automatic your fault,i drove alot heavier and alot longer than you,Drove Semi over 30 years over 3 million miles,and in most states now passing laws that its illegal to ride the hammer lane!And now since you posted this video,you hit someone in the ass and kill somebody,then you be back on your knees in Prison!!!!
Arrogant prick who loves himself more than anyone I've seen on Youtube of FB. All the time you spend running your yap on FB and Youtube, you should spend working on your car. Maybe you could get some respect.
Ding Ding I got your answer you and your slow ass car stay home there’s your answer
reaper is a f@&$ing idiot.
They are idiots
I feel your pain, brother. I used to deal with the same bullshit when I used to drive a big truck. If it wasn’t for the idiotic 4-wheeler traffic, the job wouldn’t be nearly so stressful. Hang in there man. The important thing is for you to “arrive alive”.