1. I thought the event was very poorly organised.
    This was the third time I've attended this event, and the third time that the 'street 13+' class has been screwed over.
    36 competitors were supposed to have 3 qualifying runs before racing. We got 1 run, then we're told to go wait till we're called. After being called to the staging lanes and sent back to the pits, twice, we finally got a second run (racing) over 4 hours later. Other classes seemed unaffected, they were racing.
    Yes oil spills happen, and that's racing. But, when spills are expected at every meeting, you have to allow time for clean ups. To punish the 'grass roots ' class, for the mistakes of the 'experienced', shows poor form.
    I'm a local, but I know people who drove their cars over 300 km, for 1 Q run, lost their race, drive home again after two runs and a day in the pits.
    I think, they accepted more entry's (174), than they could handle. Either that, or they use the amateurs, to subsidies the semi-professionals. You could hear the Top Fulers running.
    The people on the ground were good, and treated everyone with respect. But for me, the event was a fizzer. I won't be going back.

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