NK Performance & Racing
Dr.TuneEmAll Merch!
Huge shout out to our 2023 Sponsors
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NK Performance & Racing
Dr.TuneEmAll Merch!
Huge shout out to our 2023 Sponsors
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Sketchy doesn't even describe it… Place is the Bermuda triangle of weird traction happenings, especially after seeing most cars doing the zigzag dash midtrack.
The only thing missing at that racetrack was the banjo playing guy from the movie Deliverance
Wtf was that track lol? I’m all for outlaw tracks or whatever but you still gotta do it right.. no only track “prep” they would’ve been better off scrapping it and leaving it lol
Hey Doc, Would you happen to tune sport bikes?
Sketchy for sure.
Where was the safety crew?
drop da tree mfer t-shirt WHEN?!?!
If I was James I would remove everything to do with that beer company, wonder why he has not done it.
Your brothers keeper for sure
You will find North Fla to be a MUCH better facility
I’m so glad he let loose
They'd been better off scraping and running a true no prep. Awesome job guys. And don't forget. "Drop the tree Motherf*cker "
Good job Nate. Making the call to not race was very smart. I just knew the next clip was going to be someone crashing.
I love these crazy tracks.
Dude just pretty much wrecked his shit entintinaly
The 240 needs a butt hurt bar
jackstand is an OG racer… he don't care if it was a peddle fest on pure ice…mans getting that race car down the track as fast as he can one way or another
low rent track
A different side of James when he gets behind the wheel of that car drop the tree motherfuker he must have got screwed one time before and learn from that I think the whole event was sketchy thanks Nate any updates on the Chevelle
Drop the tree MF’r!!!!
nate: sketchiest track
bristol: am i a joke to you
also I rewatched it and the dude left before james staged. not sure if that changes anything but yea
I’ve been waiting Dr, I NEED to see horse power going fast!
It looks like that group doesn’t know how drag racing works… definitely backyard racing right there, I wouldn’t go back to that trash event.
hey Nate come try the prep out at Carolina Dragway Jackson SC. I really think y’all would enjoy it
Welcome to the real world. most drag racers in America don't have super sticky tracks to go to. The core drag race community run the streets. No prep
That is a bad ass car. Fast as hell when it is running down a long rat trap.
That is the worst track I’ve ever seen
Well that was a bit of a sh#t show!!