1. Sketchy doesn't even describe it… Place is the Bermuda triangle of weird traction happenings, especially after seeing most cars doing the zigzag dash midtrack.

  2. Wtf was that track lol? I’m all for outlaw tracks or whatever but you still gotta do it right.. no only track “prep” they would’ve been better off scrapping it and leaving it lol

  3. jackstand is an OG racer… he don't care if it was a peddle fest on pure ice…mans getting that race car down the track as fast as he can one way or another

  4. A different side of James when he gets behind the wheel of that car drop the tree motherfuker he must have got screwed one time before and learn from that I think the whole event was sketchy thanks Nate any updates on the Chevelle

  5. nate: sketchiest track
    bristol: am i a joke to you

    also I rewatched it and the dude left before james staged. not sure if that changes anything but yea

  6. It looks like that group doesn’t know how drag racing works… definitely backyard racing right there, I wouldn’t go back to that trash event.

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