It’s a story that has been told for generations and is taken by many as gospel, but the truth is that Mr Norm and Grand Spalding Dodge had absolutely nothing to do with the first factory installation of Big Block engines in the compact Dodge Dart or Plymouth Barracuda lines.
There is however more to the story, and one of the innovations spawned at GSD actually did go on to influence a unique and rare Chrysler production car
Here’s the full story along with the evolutionary steps in both marketing and technology that led to the legend.
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i love story time with Uncle Tony
Great video tony! Most people don't know about the 440 darts unless you fall down the rabbit hole wanting to build on like I did! I love my 440 dart but it's not original. Just a kick in the pants to drive!
I hate when these videos end! Such wonderful nostalgia and history for the masses to hear, from someone who was actually there. Great stuff! Thanks for the awesome info and look into the past.
Thank you so much uncle tony. We all love and appreciate your wealth of knowledge in so many aspects on all the vehicles you know and love and share with us
Come to Australia and do a Hemi Six video
Thanks for the cool info on the 440 Dart. I figured if any one knew the whole story it would be you.
In 1964 I was a 17 year old gear head who used to listen to Chicago radio stations. I'm not sure of the year I started hearing Mr. Norm advertise so bear with me. I knew from his ads that any car he gave the full treatment had GSS emblem on it. Grand Spaulding Sport. All the gear heads I hung with talked about one day taking their car to Mr Norm to have it worked on. None ever did, we didn't make enough money.
Later, I think it was in 1969 I saw a charger on the Dodge lot in Beloit, WI with GSS label.
I just HAD to drive that car. I don't think the salesman knew what it was, he knew me from prior visits and didn't insist going with me. But I was leaving my 69 Road Runner on the lot as collateral. The GSS Charger had the inline dual quad carbs, tuned headers and I'm certain a hot cam judging by the loping idle and of course the 440 engine, from the start it was obviously tuned. Even at partial throttle the auto trans shifted firmly, I felt every shift. Barely touch the throttle and it was hustling. I went to a remote road out of town and carefully added some throttle, it was clear I could not floor it on blacktop or the back end would head for the ditch. So I made my way to the interstate where it was all concrete. Mashing the throttle at about 30 on the entrance ramp was an eye opener. The front came up, there was so much noise from engine and exhaust I could not be certain if the tires were squealing. The back end got loose for a few seconds but it stayed fairly straight. When second gear kicked in the car lunged forward and I saw in the rear view mirror it had laid down about 8-10 feet of rubber with both tires. When it shifted to third, the front stayed right where it was. It seemed to be accelerating as fast in third as it did in second. It ran all the way up to red line in third so fast I could not believe it.
I don't remember how fast that was, it spooked me to see it at red line so fast, I quick let off the throttle to save the engine. When I did look at the speed, it was down to 120 so I suspect it reached 140 maybe 145. That car was wickedly fast.
I took it back and told the salesman I had to think about it. I made offer of lower price but he said no. Next day at work it was all I could think of.
Went to dealer after work and it was sold. Somebody wanted it at any price. I should have bought it on the spot. Lost it for trying save a few bucks.
Wickedly fast barely does justice to that car.
And now there is Nicks garage where he is extracting 440 power figures from 383 engines on his dyno.
Excellent history lesson Unko. Love it. Thank you!
Hey Tony did you see the interviews by @My Classic Car TV just this last week.?…All about the Hemi..Pretty cool.
Do you know anything about the big race in Detroit 2 car clubs one Chevy other Dodge supposed to put up $125,000 each and winner take all. the dodge group had 440 but broke just before the race and installed Hemi and won the race was supposed to be on one of the popular streets in Detroit.
Very informative Tony. Im in ny 50s. I grew up on the s/w side of Chicago and lived near Gary Dyers shop in Summit in the 80s. Actually worked in the area of Grand Spaulding after it shut down though. The 80s were a wonderful time in this area. Great crew of racing guys, cruising Archer avenue. Guys setting up races at Dukes on Harlem, going to the track, in the back of the yards or the corn fields of tinley park. I used to listen to the older guys all of the time. Your historical info videos remind me of those times. Thank you
I think the '67 383 Barracuda was called Fomula S. Funs changing spark plugs in a big block A body. Great stuff !!
Mr.norm did some cool car's,but to me Baldwin motion was the best aftermarket car builders,they went to the extreme with in your face badass,
Passionating! Thanks
Great story Tony, keep up the good work!
Chiago used to be so cool.
Now we are overrun with illegals. Grand and Spaulding went from a nice area to a ghetto.
Wow wat a history leson thanks tony happy safe 4th of july
Love these stream of consciousness videos. Lots of asides and trivia thrown in an entertaining way.
There may be some interesting information on UTG, but his narration method is like watching a car spin a wheel in the mud. Maybe it’s getting somewhere, but it’s talking inchworm advances
Excellent editing, Kathy!
This is great content, the history and stories of the American muscle car golden era are great.
I really enjoyed this video, thank you uncle Tony!
Ten commercials and I'm outa here.
What happened to all the 273ci 4bbl engines? Any lying around we can purchase?
Please do more videos on these unsung factory muscle cars as well as the dealers that were selling them as packages ! Long videos too please!
Your Wealth of Knowledge on Mopar's is amazing !!
I have worked in dealerships my whole life as a mechanic not a tech lol. I love hearing stories about dealerships and brands back in the day, that’s when brands and dealers had souls. Dealerships went from a grand automotive toy store to vending machines. Loved this episode!
I don’t know about all that. -“” All I know is I get my Fury back this week. That’s the business!
All I can say is ramble on Uncle Tony! Seriously, even to a non-Mopar guy like myself, you offer a fascinating narrative. Best of all it's non scripted, all the info is in your head, and just comes rolling out. You're so knowledgeable on all this stuff, like a Mopar encyclopedia. Always a good listen. If I weren't so heavily invested in my GM stuff I'd be tempted to try to build one. Wishing a great holiday to you and yours!
It is cool each brand had a speed guy for the cars back then Mr norms , yanco , Shelby. Latter rouch racing their was a Chevy dealership in central Ohio ( who's name I can't remember) that was messing with newer stuff .
I love these GTSS.
Grand Tony Stories Specials
So do the big block Darts have a wider front track width??
That's why Mopar guys are so diehard. Dodge went out of their way, even if they lost money to please their customers and thought outside of the box. They took chances the other manufacturers wouldn't. Sometimes it to years or decades to pay off, but Mopar fans are they most dedicated fans on the planet.
Always love these history lessons.
Dodge had Mr. Norm's Grand Spaulding Dodge. Ford had Tasca. Chevrolet had Yenko. Similar performance dealerships still exist but they will never, ever again be the same.
Meh. Way too long and Molar specific.
Very cool history.
Cool story Uncle Tony. I stumbled across some old video of the defunct B-Line Dragway here in AZ from back in the day. Cool stuff, Ramchargers altered wheelbase cars and super stock mopars were taking the event.