#noprep #noprepracing #gangsterparadise This Is the First round Non Stop Action at Gangsters Paradise In Brown County Dragway Indiana.
#noprep #noprepracing #gangsterparadise This Is the First round Non Stop Action at Gangsters Paradise In Brown County Dragway Indiana.
Thank u for getting this one out love u guys. Cant wait till see u get on Billy Hoskinson. Take that nova out buddy.
Great stuff. Cars were definitely putting down some nice times.
Loving the content! A huge appreciation goes out to you!
Great video…thank you!!!
Good Video. The Circle and Green ✔️ was awesome and helpful!
first again. good sh1t bro
I see Billy got the nova going super straight
More pretty women than usual. Let's hope the trend continues. Viva No Prep!
Keep em coming boss man your work is outstanding loving the edits. I love that you will always find the positive in any negative situation. Keep doing you and safe travels with the family
Awesome Victor… keep doin it just like that
Thx my man really appreciate the video i know u can't go live but this is better than nothing so thx again
So reminds me of when I was a kid racing the back part of town by the shake mill, that track has all the pinning of a real street surface, we had a blast in 1974 threw 1977 big blocks and blowers or a pile of NOS . we did not have much for regulating that stuff out of the bottle so you just run the fuel to it to where it just barely runs, and hope hope for the best ,
Thanks for filming for us guys that couldn’t make the drive! Watching from Florida! Can’t wait for round 2!!
That’s such a bs track
Why not just pave up the grass section.
Looks like quick got te hot rod if he stays consistent but Johnny knowing put a little to much
Thanks for the Rd-1 summary. Looking forward to live action tonight. G2K-G2K-G2K !!
The cars with no front clip (mostly mustangs) should not ba allowed to race
Please little baby Jesus in heaven let Ryan Mitchell give Kali “Karen” Nate the smoke this weekend. Amen
Has Billy ran yet
Thanks Victor!!
Excellent coverage, thank you!
nice work on vids
Who is this bronze colored hoodless Dodge Daytona?
Are they racing Saturday too?
I watch a lot of racing,i appreciate the edits.
I'm just a thought on a high-speed video like this. Maybe a caption could be along the bottom with a little bit of info on car and driver would be cool.