1. Wow appearantly the haters on here don't get what James is doing or what he posted a while back right after he finished the car. He's testing this car out so he can be competitive in npk..but only when the car is dialed in. There's no point in him trying to race a 3-4 sec car if his car can not handle that safely yet. Or don't you understand the meaning of testing tuning. This is a different combination to what he's a custom to. Trust me this car James has will be a great asset to a team when he gets a handle on what it's capable of doing

  2. This guys still a douch bag that nobody likes. I wish big chief would’ve laid him out when he started his shit. Not to mention a vape box? Really dude!?

  3. I'm so confused about the 7.0 index thing. Is that 7.0 in the 1/4 or the 1/8? Because I've got a car that will do 7.0 in the 1/8 and it only has about 500 hp. And the green car doesn't look like a car that can run a 7.0 in the quarter to save its own life. In the context of the 1/4 this looks like a low 6 high 5's car lining up to a low 9's car. Both cars have no business in either class. Reaper going to have to start pulling off plug wires to run that index.

  4. Man this guy will do anything to get a video of that piece of shit bucket of bolts infront of another car in a so called race and whats funny is he lost anyways lmfao

  5. Has to try and find a way to be relevant because he’s not in NPK or street outlaws if land if he did not want to be picked for a team don’t even show up biggest duck there is

  6. Did I just hear him say “it normally runs 3.80’s”….. that car hasn’t run anywhere near that number yet, I wonder if it’s made a full hit and went under a 4.

  7. “We r soooooo close, so close”…. Close to what…. Smacking it against the wall? Hope not but u gonna hurt someone trying to “make a full trip”…. Hang it up Dreamer, oops I meant Reaper…

  8. Please hire somebody before you hurt yourself. You are a month straight of running the car and have yet to see a remotely clean pass and it is all over the track. You need an outsider’s opinion because you have gotten nowhere and it’s still not running any better or cleaner then the beginning of the year. Please get a fresh set of eyes to go through the car before you hurt yourself or hurt someone else

  9. James I’m not a hater. I followed you for a long time. But it’s time to pay someone to help you set that car up to go straight. I been in and out of racing my whole life. Grew up with my dad dragging me to a track every weekend to race his 55 Chevy. I have built and raced many cars of my own since high school in the 80’s. I been in your shoes and finally had to ask for help. I paid a guy to spend a weekend with me to make a new car go A to B. Best money I ever spent. By the end of the second day I had a hot rod. I was to a point of getting hurt or tearing up a new car. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes can make all the difference. We all want you to be successful and go rounds. But you don’t seem to be making progress. Time to ask for help. No shame in that if you get better. Good luck James.

  10. I’ve noticed that nobody on ur crew or team ever adjusts ur wheelie bar, Imo adjusting that for when it takes off it’s going grab and go straight instead of getting off the throttle 20-30 ft out. The car is definitely almost there just few adjustments and it’s ready for the innovational or outlaw big tire. It’s going be great when this car knocks off drivers in first rd fighting for championship etc. But I was just curious why never see anyone ever adjusting wheelie bar like u see others doing unless it’s just not shown in video.

  11. James TOAD. you are absolutely fucking stupid. you haven't got the sense God gave an idiot. you think you know all about these cars when in fact you're clueless. you are nothing but an ex con that met a sugar mamma while you were in prison and now you use her for her money. you don't own shit. your sugar momma does. its no wonder you were KICKED out of the 405. your sugar mommas car is light years behind everyone else. do EVERYONE a favor and just fade away. anytime you're in front of a camera you show just how stupid you truly are. hmmmm wonder what race track your sugar momma will take you to next? your poor wife. you are an embarrassment to her. you should be ashamed for coning all this money from her. but I guess that's what you learn in prison. YOU ARE A JOKE. stop telling people you're street when you can't get your JUNK past the 60' marker. what a dumbass

  12. I think at the end of the day you build really beautiful race cars but are not a racer and when I say that its not a dig I'm saying you don't have the next level experience needed your always really really close or have errors that all these other drivers honestly just don't have and because of that you didn't get picked this year and probably won't ever because these teams don't want a guy that's almost there or so fucking close like you always say. you have to either hire a true crew chief and turn over all control an just drive or just build cars and give up the NPK dream. as a designer and builder you really make some truly great cars no shame in that

  13. Yall handle fans right. Hey reaper come over here a second, if I do it for you I gotta do it for everyone come to the trailer, then you went and shot the shit for 15 seconds, gave them a bit of attention and carried on. Class buddy, you got it.

  14. I've done the same thing , went out early in my super pro bracket , changed the convertor and bought into the Pro class just to get, a test hit , my buddies said dam what'd you do put a 400 shot on it in between round s , No I just needed a test hit so I dialed down a full second so i could leave with the faster cars, , Keep the vids coming James

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