1. Glad to see you doin good Bobby. You put the work in, and didn't give up. Now the big dawgs better look out. I thought Jerry killin a cone was funny. As a track worker, I know they get pissy when you hit the foam block "cones". They have reflectors in them that bounce back to the photocell for the timing system. Sometimes they are tricky to get them aligned again.

  2. Hey Bobby I talked to you Friday night in the staging lanes. I was the guy that said he how’s it going and then said to my son kinda loud He (you) must not be to talkative today. For sure didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I know you guys got a lot going on and just meant y’all are focused on making a good hit and keeping it paint side up. I don’t know if you even heard it but if you did I for sure didn’t mean any disrespect from it. I respect the hell out of all you guys.

  3. Bobby buddy your time is coming you are going to get some wins this year we love you man we want to see you do good keep on keeping on be safe on these road trips and be safe going down that track now go kick some ass and get some more wins I loved it when you kicked old Lutz ass I know he's a good guy but couldn't do it to a better person LOL keep up the great videos Man we like watching them

  4. Glad you are doing good can’t wait to see you guys in mn will be there was there last year will be there every year you guys are there keep going bro

  5. Win lose or draw I love the little I remembered the small tire Maverick that dick was wicked and that's what made me fall in love with the little legend hogscald you ever since

  6. I'm betting Bobby never took a penny for an autograph. He wouldn't take my money in New Hampshire for photo, what a stand-up dude. Stay safe Bobby.

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