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Thank you JJ for the live feed
There’s 821 likes
Thanks JJ from Australia
Thanks JJ love your videos
Thanks from New Zealand
Looks like and awesome day!!
Team racing is going have close upset races not to mention some fast passes as day gets longer into the night
Man talk about upsets…this year is gonma be exciting
Hey JJ can you make your video clearer it's fuzzy hard to see
thx buddy
i think funny as hell all yall takin Ludz over bobby . Just me talking, cant stand a ego like his that why he fits the 405 profile so well
Yeah JJ you're an awesome human being no matter what discovery thinks of you.
Need to zoom in a little bit
Two words. ZOOM IN.
Thanks for your live feed. My paid membership to another channel, Don Will buffering all the time. You know him.
Your video is about 5 minutes delay
Dave's car is a turd
Your awesome U. Thank s for the hard work.
What's up I'm trying to join
Can hardly hear you when you anounce the winner
I appreciate the feed but your announcing sucks
bro, winner of big tire outlaw still get points?
wtf MurderNova..!!! same story different track… pulling for you is getting to much like pulling for the Cowboys
thanks for the video
When you turn your head left we can't hear you
Nice video brother thank you
Thank you so much !!
it’s about time somebody starts blocking or kicking people for the way they talk
Some people are getting ugly wins..but a wins a win.
Thank you
JayJay, I hope your weekend goes as planned. Safe Travels!!
I guess chuck did not make the race lol
Thanks for the feed
Sure wish I understood what he was saying
Who won last night ?
Could you explain how they are doing this season
Awesome Share … Thanks JJ …
Murder Nova should have bought a 5hp briggs&stration..saved 200k..
It seems weird that teammates can take each other out?
Ryan Martin won last night