today marks the 10 year anniversary of Street Outlaws premiering on Discovery Channel and we’re celebrating by filming our newest show, Locals Only here in Virginia 🤠 Thank you, all of you, for spending your Monday nights with us and allowing us to entertain you for the last decade! we got more to come 🤠
Respect ❤
Congrats to number 10!!
Hell yeah guys congratulations I've been here all 10 years. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with in the future.
Awesome milestone congrats guys!!
Need chief there
Wow it's been 10 years already, I cannot believe it's been that long already, Congratulations by the way to y'all guys for making it out there like y'all doing keep doing y'all thing not what the actual Outlaws or doing I wish I was still racing like you was which I think you can make that truck compete with all the other cars and be faster because of the body weight ratio because either way y'all got a straight truck
In the moment…mnm
Literally you guys can make more money off YouTube then being on the show. What ever happens you guys are one of the biggest reasons why I watched the show. You guys will be fine if and when the show goes bye bye! Don’t see that happening any time soon. Love it up guys. ✌️
Love you guys I'll follow you both till the end Thanks for all u do
Love the show
Thank to all of you for going on 10 great yrs. Miss the old shows though.
Thanks to both of you and all involved. You made life more fun.
This was great. Well i am sure we all hope for another 10 more years from you 2. You guys have been one of my favorites on that show. So keep up the good work Farmtruck & Azn.
What a great show it was back then. The show definitely helped keep the car community going.
Good people, keep doing something I can only dream about. Farmtruck & Azn
We need chief back on board it's not the same with out him
You guys are the best part of the show!
It is great seeing Azn showing intelligence instead of being a dumb assed idiot.
The persona shown here is totally different and I appreciate the difference.
Keep this persona and grow.
Thanks for sharing.
Farmtruck, wtf is up with the left hand handshake?
Build a NPK car and race it to show your full potential. Show there is more to you both than jokes and pranks.
Cool Q & A with FnA!
Congratulations on 10 years! Here’s to at least 10 more years!
Better on YouTube the tv networks tend to rip you off better creating your own brand on YouTube and other streaming platforms on Internet tv is dying off people are sick of them years of them bullshitting news and ramming adverts at you
After being on pinks!! I believe that they didn’t think the show would be much!
I hope y’all get to live the rest of y’all’s life doing what y’all love to do!! On tv or not!! Nowadays with YouTube and other social media platforms I think y’all will succeed with or without tv!
Y'all are great together and that was a big plus for the show.
Really cool video. The same set of questions being asked to the other OG StreetOutlaw cast members would be cool.
I will never forget the spinning Nitrous Powered chair!!! You guys have made me laugh so many times.!! ❤ yall
Congratulations !
Maik from Hamburg 😉 want only say, Thank you for being there!
Love it!
Congrats on 10 years. What a great team
The F&A Racing on roads, tracks and water. The Boys are back in Town.
Pinks all out what memory gone but not forgotten.
You 2 are lucky cause I don't even see any of my friends from 10 years ago Life has moved us in different ways
You guys are great!!!!
We love you guys !!!
Great job guys