Me, personally, I would run Leo with Claw and Fury with triple Kang-dae. 8 second reload with 800 meter range is something you want to have in order to avoid powerful weapons with 300-500 meters
There is a pilot skill that is exclusive to the Lancelot, carnage, rogotka, and cosak (forgive my bad spelling) called ghost, that increases the speed by 30% (grey) 40% (blue) 50% (purple) 60% (gold) but it deactivates the ability that you might wanna try, also when the Kid gets below 30% hp every 5 seconds (I believe) it speeds up a heckton, I appreciate seeing on YouTube someone starting from scratch and seeing how it feels to be someone who doesn’t pay at all (like me). Love the Videos! Keep it up!
Known a Lancelot and it is in my 2nd or 3rd hangar and its paired with a Sharanga, and my Lancelot is Mark 3 and its absolutely over powered, because its so fast with either 230,000 hit points or 250,000 and it is just overkill. I don't use it as much any more but the paint job with it looks absolutely menacing, the paint job is like army color.
Gather 1k keys u may get a mender in the special prize in the gold chest
5:20 is anyone gonna talk about how fast the kid was moving?
I don’t know if this is a good build for Lancelot but I’m thinking Exodus and orkans would be a good build
Stake on da boi Lancelot, let's GOOOOO
Me, personally, I would run Leo with Claw and Fury with triple Kang-dae. 8 second reload with 800 meter range is something you want to have in order to avoid powerful weapons with 300-500 meters
Its a speed glitch
Bro has stake
There is a pilot skill that is exclusive to the Lancelot, carnage, rogotka, and cosak (forgive my bad spelling) called ghost, that increases the speed by 30% (grey) 40% (blue) 50% (purple) 60% (gold) but it deactivates the ability that you might wanna try, also when the Kid gets below 30% hp every 5 seconds (I believe) it speeds up a heckton, I appreciate seeing on YouTube someone starting from scratch and seeing how it feels to be someone who doesn’t pay at all (like me). Love the Videos! Keep it up!
You need gaijin
You need rain
You need a raigin
Sorry for my spelling you need a rain
I got a cruel angler from free silver coins im making it to mk3
I saw someone with mk3 already lol
You gotta get a pilot with the ghost skill on Lancelot it gives 60% speed
First game someone on your team had thunder mk3☠️
For me there are just pilots in the 100 keys chest
2 Scourge and one talon works best on Lancelot for both close range and medium range… I use it and it shreds other bots.
I got a fenrier from the chest
I figured out why the kid titan started running. It just happened I sped up in short bursts it’s definitely a bug with the kid’s movement
I love your videos! What do you think of the new event?
Known a Lancelot and it is in my 2nd or 3rd hangar and its paired with a Sharanga, and my Lancelot is Mark 3 and its absolutely over powered, because its so fast with either 230,000 hit points or 250,000 and it is just overkill. I don't use it as much any more but the paint job with it looks absolutely menacing, the paint job is like army color.
I own*