1. All that pretty wrap,and it will never win $hit,plus you should get checked for AID$,you look like the Krypt Keeper.Did you really think someone wanted you on their team?

  2. Cars beautiful man. Probably the best looking I've seen this year. I hope you do well this time around. Best of luck. You're gonna need it against the MH7s and the 4.9 noonans. They're killing it

  3. Looks like a nice car for a Chump. Another car you can say you lost because its not tested. Is this another untested fastest street race car in okc thats never lost a race? Are you still a tag along? Hanging on every outlaws beanbag pretending like you might win something? Looking forward to your excuses this year chump.

  4. Dam reaper car looks sick bro…..bad mothafucker with bad mothafucken car you a real one that's what cool bout you fuck the haters let them hate keep it real always man congrats

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