It’s the kind of story Hollywood dreams about. Decorated war hero becomes a cop who has a secret identity as a notorious underground Street Racer. His 1970 Hemi Challenger is feared by all, wins races and then just disappears into the shadows.
And now, 50 years later his son, who inherits the legendary black Dodge learns about it’s true history and brings this story to the world…and the world eats it up!
Problem is, it’s only a story…and not a very good one at that.
Here is how the car itself betrays it’s supposed role in history, and how some serious Hollywood horsepower seems to have aligned itself with some of the most reputable names in the collector car industry to perpetrate a high dollar fraud in the name of promoting a movie already in production.
Ya just can’t make this stuff up!
#classiccar #musclecar #hagerty #mecum
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You are a scam sir, YOU ARE A SCAM.
Mecum was salivating to selling this car at auction. Who do you think paid to have it transported and promoted to sell at auction. Great way to create buzz on a fake story on “BG”
Just like the mainstream media is a lie and a narrative …so are these scammers
Big Willie with his 69 hemi charger, Daytona, running low 12s in Long Beach was the real black deal.
The interior is too clean and the paint is too clean to be 145k miles not only that you'd be lucky to get a 145k miles out of anything big block back then.
“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”
Who’s the dumba$$ who paid over 1 mil for this car?!!! Could’ve gotten a Ferrari or Porsche Smh
Top to bottom scam
It’s like a really good fishing story how the man caught a 50 pound catfish on a cheap reel with 10 pound line ….. it just doesn’t add up
considered woke hollywood, netflix and the whole race thing turned on by the media, the real reason for this is that the man was black. No white guy with a 14s car would be worth any mentioning.
I saw this story last year and was believing it thanks for the truth Tony ain't nobody can put anything Mopar past you bro
I have a small block chevelle with an engine/trans setup that very well could’ve existed (and most likely did) in the middle 70’s. It has a stock open diff with highway gears and rock hard rear tires that are 30 years old. It runs the 1/4 mile faster then this supposed “holy grail challenger” would.
tony this story is hilarious!!! thank god we have people like you arounnd with common sense and truth to set the record straight….sad people buy into this garbage but then again look at the world today…
The car was stock. He raced local drivers. He was a police officer. If you didn't hear about it, so what. Always a hater.
Imagine being this jealous over a car and it’s story. The story’s real, you guys didn’t race stock cars back in the 70s? And it’s not roached, it’s nowhere near as bad as you say it is.
In 1970 or thereabouts, my dad's best friend and business partner Doug Lovegrove had a shop that specialized in Mopars. It was right off Van Nuys boulevard. The guys with the Silver Bullet (2 brothers, IIRC) came out to try their stuff against the LA guys. Brought it to Doug's shop in a rare for the time enclosed trailer. I was 15. I saw the car at Doug's shop. Very cool. Looked underneath and it had 4 very large mufflers (IIRC from a Cadillac). Exhaust wyed out after the collectors to 2 mufflers per side. Quiet, but shook the brick shop. One Wednesday night they took it out on Van Nuys blvd and came back and loaded it in the trailer. I got in dad's 50 Belair with 62 Vette 327 fuelie sleeper with dad and we went out to the street races. San Fernando Road, old Hiway 99. Drew a big crowd with the enclosed trailer. That night, as quick as the car was, they didn't win every time. There were some REALLY QUICK cars running the streets those days. Super stocks, gassers, altereds, There were even a couple of actual funny cars with fiberglass flipper bodies with license plates hanging under their parachutes. Would a stock Hemi Challenger have warranted such a rep? Naaah… My older brother had a 64 Plymouth Max Wedge he bought from Blair's Speed Shop that the run it got destroyed at Lions drag strip ran 11.27 @ 127 mph (broke a tie rod end and made a sudden left turn from the right lane, backed into the left guard rail and got center punched in the right door by the left lane big block Camaro and they tumbled down the shut down making an unplanned yard sale of both cars). That was in 68. Magazines in 1970 testing showroom cars got best times of high 13s with Hemi Challengers and surprised everyone with quicker 13.1 out of a Challenger 440 wedge. Not even close to my brother's stock Max Wedge which was a second slower than the Silver Bullet. No way this stock Hemi Challenger would have had a chance against even other stock cars of the day. Vinyl top on a street racer? Nice car. Not even a serious poser.
It just goes to show that if you tell a fictional story well enough, people will believe it.
Sounds like the storyline from the movie the wraith lol
I'm sure I'll get roasted for this but there are bolt ons, like blowers, better carb and intake that could have been on the car in the past but returned to stock later on that could have made this car into something more than what the stock version is…. Just some food for thought, I'm not saying I believe that's what happened just that the car could have been significantly setup differently than what it currently is.
Every Facebook post I see about this car I share this video. Hope the views help uncle Tony
Thanks for looking into this. My brother was a racer in Detroit back in the early 70’s. I showed him the feature Octane magazine did on this car a few years ago and he called BS back then – in a nutshell: a stock Hemi Challenger would have been money in the bank for almost any racer on Woodward.
Yeah that '67 Plymouth Silver Bullet GTX is definitely a well known car…
I have had issues with the alleged exploits of this car since it emerged a few years ago…only things this was picking off was lower-tier stockers. Jimmy Addison’s Silver Bullet, Steve Lusk’s pink Challenger with a bunch of goodies from the ‘72 Motown Missile Cuda, the Sudden Death Mustang II built by Gapp&Rousch for Joe Ruggiero….cars like THESE are legit.
Mecum(MEE-CUM) is notorious for obfuscation, if not outright fraudulent claims l…Herb McCandless Jr has called them out on the Sox&Martin ‘71 “Boss Cuda” being an outright forgery….