If you want to play like Limpy you better put your big boy pants on and make the damn call Happy!!! I lost a lot of respect for you after watching you in this I guess that's why Limpy hasn't had anything to do with you in months!
JJ says he doesn’t lie that’s all he does to his lip smacking. The only reason I watch the video is because I saw happy in the thumbnail. Otherwise I wish JJ would drop off the face of the Earth. He’s a piece of trash in my opinion and I’m old enough to be his father.
Thanks for the video .,You always do good work South Alabama
Looks like they didn't want to pay up
If you want to play like Limpy you better put your big boy pants on and make the damn call Happy!!! I lost a lot of respect for you after watching you in this I guess that's why Limpy hasn't had anything to do with you in months!
You looked like a fool Happy you have no business on the light!
JJ says he doesn’t lie that’s all he does to his lip smacking. The only reason I watch the video is because I saw happy in the thumbnail. Otherwise I wish JJ would drop off the face of the Earth. He’s a piece of trash in my opinion and I’m old enough to be his father.
Sonnds like Jj is bullying happy saying his reputation was on the line when making the call.
I got down to 4 cars and ran that hemi in semi at Jakes, I gonna tell you its gots some mph lol, I went 135 and she come by me like a Boss lol
He jumped and still lost.