Here is Randy’s first pass back after the crash last year. 160 mph with 25 pounds of boost and a pretty lazy three second ramp. 
Here is Randy’s first pass back after the crash last year. 160 mph with 25 pounds of boost and a pretty lazy three second ramp. 
Bad ass mustang wow
Awesome to see the car back and running ❤
We done saw this pass last time you showed Randy's car.. exact same spot, same words even same time turning off go pros, even saying same thing to the go pros…lol
A sigh of relief, and I bet he had a big smile too. Let's gooooooo
Hell yeah. Happy to see good things happening for you guys ❤
Awesome pass ProMod Randy!!!!
The sign of relief from Randy says it all
Randy needed 2 chutes it appears..Great to see !!
Awesome Run Glad To See It Back Out Pro Mod Lives
I was so happy for Randy . Glad it was a good straight pass .
Awesome man. Please get a neck restraint!!
cortney has a big sigh to every time you make it to the finish …
That has to be an E-Ticket ride when the time it took to do 160 is that short.
Tel randy he needs a Hans. Been there done that. Neck fractures suck
Randy’s car is a BAD Ride!
That big sigh at the end tells it all.
Love the way it blows off at the end of the track. You just hear the boost.
Class act Randy………… Happy for YOU!
If it was easy………..
Thanks John……..Ur a bit classy too….;)
That steering wheel is to small! Way to easy to over correct and hit the wall again Just my 2 cents
Time for a containment seat and a Hans device.
Holy smokes
Hell yeah guys I'm glad you guys are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. There's a lot of ups and downs but you're getting there.
Great to see Randy making solid hits in the fox.
Love that Randy is back in the driver’s seat hell yeah man awesome
Is that little move it makes on transbrake release a loose heim joint or a bent 4 link bolt or something? Its seemed to do that ever since the rebuild!
Sure looked good from here ❤