1. No more fun. You guyz are really make n me UPSET.. mis VICKIE…
    Can U get them to Call ME please
    I bought ALL those pistons for My new Motor :..:

  2. Loved it, Funny as heck. When talking about throwing changes at the car with its set up, Jimmy D. said "Eight it like it wasn't sh_t". When you're funny without trying you are truly funny.

  3. Throw a small block and a turbo 400 in the crown Vic. 9" posi double the tires shrink the bumper shocks and weld them fast notch the top of the rear frame In the trunk be good to go.

  4. Great video as always!!! I wish I could have seen y'all when you were down here in Dallas, maybe next time? If y'all get close again I'm going to try and make it. Keep smashing that skinny pedal!!!

  5. Awesome to see Uncle Bob having fun with Jimmy Dale !!! Glad to know he's feeling better . 10.50's on all motor with ac no less is impressive . Keep up the great videos.

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