1. I love that old Mopar! Such great cars! It has daily driver written all over it!
    I would chase after valve stem seals if it even runs them anymore. Start at rhe top because it's likely seals or lack thereof, or possibly worn guides and poor drainback.

  2. I got a head ache just looking at that craziness I'd redo that whole thing with modern stuff and fuel inject it. I realize it's a rare car and engine but still.

  3. Happy to see this car have a real life again instead of sitting somewhere dried out.

    Someone(?) should probably read up or watch videos of operating the injection and fuel tuning, or it will guaranteed give you an ulcer on drag n drive events. You know it will eventually require some fiddling and maintaining right in the middle of having fun.

  4. I had a 65 Belvedere in the late 70's and early 80's, I managed to build a nice dual 4 barrel 440 for it, and tub the rear with a 9 inch on a teenagers budget, it had a pretty good reputation in my small midwestern town 30 miles east of Columbus , I was one of the few with engine out the hood and fat tires under the back on the street in that area, at least around where I lived, mine was dak blue and it looked so nice on the centerline wheels back then , so this car will be my favorite to win drag a drive… I often wonder why we dont see more of these unibody Mopar's in no prep, they were pretty darn light . mine had aluminum fenders, hood, deck lid, door hinge's and cross members, and it would wheelie so easy , it was almost effortless, … anyway LOVE the car I will be rooting for ya , this thing brings back wild memories

  5. Got my Mag issue yesterday and love the new envelope design. Sick Week was so much fun and looking through the Mag issue brought back a lot of memories. Looking forward to doing it again in 2024 with a faster car.

  6. The main gas supply goes in to the Barrell valve . The quick release pill holder that the spring and jet fell out of is your 1 point to richen or lean the system out , Bigger Pill / Jet the leaner it will be and smaller the richer it will be . The next by pass in the system with Tie wire is the Hi speed lean out which is set by Pressure and pill size . It also looks like it has a Low speed pill holder under red spark plug lead holder which is for making the motor snapier at low to just above idel which is why it it connects in line after the Hi speed .

  7. Well ; I see … i see … a massive learning curve coming ! Once you figure out the mechanical fuel injection you will be able to step up to a blower with mechanical injection ; now that would be very , very cool . Thanks for the video , much appreciated. PS ; I like Bob's humour.

  8. Just because you guys don't know it know I have faith that you all will learn it quick all I know about hilborn injection is that it looks cool on any engine combo so maybe as you all learn you will pass some knowledge on to everyone else that's not familiar with them live the videos looking forward to seeing you in Bristol TN again this year hopefully with some more 5 SECOND runs

  9. I ran a Hilborn injected HEMI A/Dragster for 10 years. Never once shut it off with the fuel shutoff. We always used the ignition to turn it off. Matter of fact except for tech at a divisional or Nat'l event, the fuel shutoff had a wrap of duct tape to hold it in the open position. When we started the car we held the throttle all the way open until the motor fired to bleed the air out of the nozzle lines. We also primed the injectors which you probably shouldn't have to do if the fuel pump is mounted below the fuel tank, which would gravity feed to the pump. Good luck!

  10. I had one of those old Hilborn Injection units years ago. Once I figured it out, with the help of a couple of older guys. It was a good unit

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