1. You got lucky with with your girl it's not all about looks it's how woman act and carry themselves it's really awesome when girls/women are into racing or trucks and for people that disrespect her are jealous or assholes

  2. I watched this last night while working around in the garage …
    when it comes to Kenny and Bill ..i don’t know if Kenny is the one who needs a drug test or if Bill needs a drug test kenny for detailing interior and then take it out or Bill for paying him for doing it …

  3. The Kenny issue is a very simple n easy dilemma to deal with Bill. You or Vicki sign the checks which means you or Vicki make the rules. It’s very simple brother, if someone doesn’t want to follow the few rules you have in place and doesn’t show or communicate when supposed to, then their membership is terminated, it’s very simple! There are hundreds of well qualified individuals that would kill for an opportunity to work at the garage and would be happy to follow all the rules, myself included.

    But anyhows, rules n expectations need to be in place and those need to be followed in order to receive the membership allowance each week or two that bill provides. Rules don’t need to be strict but set working hours need to be set and adhered to in order to receive the membership allowance.

    But hey, it’s your shop Bill and your entitled to run it any way you’d like! That’s just my thoughts from running my own multimillion dollar business for 20 years. It sure does remove a ton of stress that is caused by useless BS!!

    But I will say that Kenny appears to be a great employee and all when he does show up, but he doesn’t understand that you can not run a business by allowing employees to have free reign on coming n going when they want and not communicating his intentions with the boss. If Kenny wants that freedom, then he needs to have his name above the door, not OMG

  4. When it comes to K.P. you should keep your mouth shut.. You have no right talking out of turn..K.P. busts his a$$ for that outfit..Somethings don't need to be put out into public..Little kids act this way..Old Man needs to shut his mouth…

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