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Props to Tommy for the skeptical wiener dog!
Johny 5 is alive
Super excited to see the old man back in his nova and there's no doubt he's hooked on the turbos
Haha “pulls so hard”
Laughed with you guys when the boost hit!
the look on the ol mans face when that boost came on= Priceless
The look on his face whenever it build boost lol Awesome..
just did the same thing in my 70 camaro lets just say it lasted a week of ripping on it with 7psi going through it. was a 383 stroker stock bottem end
Call that sbc the track slicker
Short circuit!! Great movie
Man so coool guys love it
Short circuit is the shit Johnny 5
So happy to see you doing this for your Dad, trying to pay him back for all he has done and taught you. Outstanding guys. Can`t wait to see what she runs. Stay safe all, God Bless.
Good editing Tommy!
I see windows in 1 and 3 in its future
And a cam that fits inna sandwich bag.
Good times
Give er hell Y'all
Awesome video and it's great seeing you all working on the car that started the drag racing fire inside you boys …. Love the old footage dad's the shit ….. What every dad wants to hear their son say about them …. ❤
Love the old mans face you guys are awesome
If Junior and Sr keep getting on the same page there's going to be some sore ass in the streets and the track! And with the knowledge they have now they are going to be hard to beat! And you have Tommy two guns in that fast ass falcon to deal with glad I'm retired from racing now I just get to watch!
Safety should be number one priority I would definitely go with a motion raceworks steering column kit and put a rack n pinion in it and ditch that death trap steering box and link arm bullshit lol that's just my opinion
I’ve watched this video a few times,this is street racing. GOD,fast cars,music,food,and family is what makes life 100!! Y’all think Yellowstone is good you should be seating where I am. BuckO,miss Vicky and the dogs blow Kevin out of the water. Because of y’all I have a Kenny Powers and a Rob. Tommy two guns and he ride’s with Billy the kid. Behind all the crazy men we have Miss Vicky,Allison,Molly,Harley,and Jeffffa. Sorry Allison I forgot your moms name. SRC you and old man with a little Gen2 only because Tommy is filming and editing. Killing it!!! Or better yet f-and send it!! Waiting on your dads 3 am video right now as my day starts!!!!! Good stuff
Billy at the end of the day its a race car who cares if its got bubbles on the lip put some bondo on it and go about your business
That’s awesome what you are doing for your dad.
Absolutely loved this one. Especially the last pic. 🙂 Love what you're doing for your dad.
I ran in the 9s footbraking a sbe 355 blow through. On about 18psi. E85, no intercooler, manual boost controller, single 8883 turbo. Full interior 2nd gen camaro.
If u scat the motor I have 2 sbc blocks one 2 bolt one4 there all urs just make content cause u and ur family are my t.v