We went down the road of producing blocks, but with all the development, learning and struggles it took more time than you could ever imagine and damn near broke us in the process.
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G-code nightmare .
Tom my Grandfather always told me "anything worth doing….is worth doing right !" You did this right and I have a real feeling it will go down as one of the greatest advancements in V-8 technology since the 265 chevy v-8….
It doesn't matter if tom has the machine. The SMX is Steve's design and Tom was just talking about Steve's design of the water jackets and more.
Looks like a Steve Morris knockoff block
Wow what a beautiful engine block. Impressive. Hopefully it pays off for y’all, hard work usually does, good luck!
Should have hired someone familiar with mold making, we do this stuff every day.
3D exotic compounds & lazer frequency melting will be the ultimate in Building for BHP
I used to machine parts for Boeing, 7 heat treats from beginning to end, heat trat after every operation.
So… its a V8? What is the displacement? What is the application? what is so special about this block?
This video seemed to ride a very fine edge of blaming someone for something. The people here just want to see positive results, not airing out personal stuff. Hearing about the tech is just fine.
Did i see calvo post about this too?
Nothing can be finished to size if it is being sent out for heat treating. As it stress relieves during heat treating, it IS going to change the dimensions…..flatness, roundness, perpendicularity ….even if it's only slight. Even a few tenths would put many dimensions out of tolerance on an engine but typically things change by several thousands..
Trial and error to find the sweet spot for how much material to leave on.
The rule of thumb that we go by for rough Machining before heat treat is allowing .001" per inch of deviation from spec. AT LEAST…..
Boring video, sorry guys…
Need a script writer for your videos.. you turn a 5 min video into a 20 min rant on useless banter. This has been done before, just it didn't take two years. It sure does look pretty, but you will find out there is a reason billet blocks arent worth the effort. Should make a mailbox or a table out of it. Maybe make your $700k back as artwork.
I’ve been around CNC machining a long time and I’ve seen allot of engine blocks made. My experience has taught me that when your venturing down a road that you know is going to come with a huge learning curve, you try to mitigate loses by being more proactive. One of the first things I would have done after I had all of my machining paths simulated and proven, would be to glue together high density styrofoam blocks to the exact size the aluminum blocks would come in at.
This won’t simulate material movement during machining but it will give you an opportunity to prove out your machining without sacrificing material.
I would imagine there would also be a Rough, Semi Rough, SemiFinish and then finish machining process. Each phase would have a heat treat process in between to relieve stresses inherited during machining.
What is the cost 9f the machine
I have just tuned into this and I am missing the point here, is this something more than a polished block?
Finally got that lemon to work.
Glad for you.
whats the warranty on it asking for a friend
Beaty dos not matters, only Hardness….