We are suppose to be racing pro mod at NMCA but we have twisted the rear end housing in the car so much that the wheelie bars can’t line up straight. We have to come up with a new plan.
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Time for a 12 inch rear end like Steve put in the wagon
Awesome!!! Big thanks to Tom and the entire Sick Crew for putting my merchandise online !!!
Another routine day at Bailey Racing. Good luck this weekend.
Wouldn't take much time to remove the center section and put a straight edge on the flange to measure the housing ends and 4 link brackets for the amont of twist/bend.
Good luck guys have fun. Tha ks for sharing. Be safe
I am a hour from Palm Beach. I can pick it up.
You don’t need bullet proof you need SMX proof
Steve Morris makes 20% more HP than any pro engine builder. Take any engine to Steve and when he is done your engine will show 20% more than it did at Noonan or Musi or even Sonnies. It must be true because Steve’s dyno says it is so.
Love aidens car!
Good luck y’all!
Tom. You need to talk to Steve Morris. He updated the rear end on the wagon.
It would be cool to see a flat clear coat be put on the car just to give it a little bit of a shine
I'm not there to see what you guys see, but it seems that it will be safer to remove the whole body and measure the tube chassis or at least remove the rear end and have a good look at it and measure the chassis without the rear end attached and see what shows up, safety first.
Have Garrett strap it to his Helicopter or plane and get it up to you.
The simple answer would be to put it back into the chassis jig and you can validate the C/L of the front wheels to the rear axle. At least you will know what has bent and what needs fixed. If it’s multiple chassis features. A close inspection of the rear end assembly axle centerline to the third member face on the housing. Just a thought!
Get Cleetus to fly it up to you. Tell him he can make a video out of it.
Tubing is also hollow, that's looks like a rod, or bar.
Heat up the spark plugs in a oven and they will start working, give it a try.
Might be a stupid question but is the wheelie bar normally bolted to the diff? I know theres not much normal about these cars but that thing is capable of tons of leverage. Not super suprised it is bent looking at the amount of leverage front and rear of it
Tom, it is my honor to share this with you: the driver's side tire always takes more abuse because the driveshaft turns clockwise thus twisting the driver tire down into the pavement
Time to order a rear end like Steve just bought !
Need to make a T-shirt that just says "So…" on the back of it.
Tire shake is very damaging.
We have been some issues with some NGK stuff here the last few months. I still wont run anything else but it would be nice to have the confidence we used to have in them.
Of course, Tom's is metal, blue steel, so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.
Is there a spark plug "thing" going on? Didn't Steve mention something about bad plugs out of the box when he was touring another shop?
Tom…you need to put a rear axle in like Steve Morris has.
That would also explain why your car keeps going left off the launch all the time.
It appears that Tom has added rear steering in the 2.0! How many 5 second drag cars can do that?
Can’t you take measurements from datam points on the chassis to the diff and all linkages as well as diagonals
Everything is bolted from those zero points
Distances from diff housing and separate from diff 4 link brackets on diff back to chassis points
I've always wondered how far Bailey and Co. team goes when they build their own pipe frames. By that I mean a detailed FEM software stress analysis which would require modelling a 3d model of the frame in CAE software beforehand. As for the distortion, any chance it might be related to the torsional forces the frame is exposed to by a 5k hp engine?