1. what a drama ! you'd had planned it it would not have been as thrilling… thank you so much to take the time for sharing, while under quite a bit of boost…

  2. "He didn't lift or pull the parachutes … like normal"
    Hahaha, what a dig at Tom 🙂 … I am sure he can take it though, but omg, murder Steve haha 🙂
    Love you two and while you two probably don't recall me, I was so happy to shake hands with both of ya in 2017 DW when I was just a spectator at Cordova and this car had a broken rearend 🙂

  3. Steve's got to be the most generous guy in motorsports…he shows us outside his engines, inside his engines, dyno sheets, combustion chambers, cylinder walls, ring lands,everything. About as transparent as it can get. Amazing openness and honesty. Congrats on a well-earned and well-deserved win!

  4. Congratulations on a very hard earned victory , I have a question or 2 ? Why not use 2 large Methanol Blow through carbs for racing and EFI for the road sections , the carbs could have TPS and run the EFI , It would eliminate a lot of issues with sensors /injectors ect and perhaps pistons , i have seen 1 C&S dominator run a 6 at 201 mph in a Dodge coronet 3300lbs single turbo Wedge eng …. i know carbs have there own issues but the fore mentioned car never had a failed injector ? I am sure each cylinder tuning is better with EFI (maybe) but its such a blind system , no room for error . All that aside great work and again congratulations on a great victory.

  5. Been ruminating about all your injector caused engine damage issues. Have you given thought to fueling the approximately 85% with direct mechanical injection (HIlborn?) and the other 15% with electonic injectors at WOT. Seems to me, fueling in this manner eliminates the electonic injectors from making the engine way lean or rich as thay will only flow enough for the last 15% of the engine requirements. The electronic injectors in this ssituation may still be large enough for starting, idle and light cruise.

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