1. Been watching you guys for past couple years…would love to come see you race 2JP this weekend in Meers,MI. Can you send me info on when it starts and where to go? The new cage is awesome

  2. When ya gonna tell who won the giveaway!!! It’s been over a month since I got your cray merch!!!!
    Support a channel and get hung out to dry!!!
    I bet y’all paid Chet!!! But can’t keep your supporters informed!!!! Won’t do it again!!!

  3. When you look at dropping 60lbs it doesnt seem like a lot, but when you look at it on a percentage basis compared to the total weight of the car its actually quite a lot. Dropping 60lbs is hard, dropping the % you guys did is awesome!

  4. I like 2jp, but i feel like its time for a whole new theme, the jurassic park look is cool and all but i feel like you guys could make a new theme 10x better looking

  5. why is there so much talking I wanna see the work being done, this whole video is pointless, and it looks like you guys are pretending to do the work, since the only tool I saw being used was a forklift for 2 seconds.

  6. Looking sick guys, some guy over here in the IIII EEEE ( me yelling it) in the SoCal area converted his to a sand rail look 2 seater and its awesome. I just picked up my azule crystal PRO R4 ultimate and cant find shit for it lol. Wish i knew how to custom fab. Cant wait to see the end product! FIGHT ON!

  7. Doug build me a cage my boii I need one bad lol are your boss at getting them cages strong n looking a bad ass. I been watching u guys for years I deserve it haha jk but awesome work gentleman

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