2022 Post Season Updates – Snow Birds – Help Wanted

The End Of The 2022 Drag Racing Season, Post Season Updates, The Snowbirds, Ole Blue, Project Ronnie and more!



  1. Certainly understand the lack of video content. Would be great if you could post shorts before races and inform everyone if and how we can stream the races. Coverage seems piss poor for the most exciting drag racing out there, but maybe I just don’t know where to go to find coverage. Rip ‘em at Snowbirds!

  2. Stevie. May I call you that? Anyway, I have extensive experience in accounting and lawn maintenance. I feel like that gives me the edge in becoming your car chief. My salary is open, but would be based on existing similar positions. Also. As I am currently homeless, I will require living quarters to be part of my package. There seems to be an overdue fine hovering around me in Reading Pa. that I will need to you take care of. Not sure how important working weekends are to you, but I'm sure we can figure that out as time passes. (I normally refuse to work Sat & Sun unless highly compensated). A 40 hr workweek would seem to be plenty of time to car chief or whatever you call it. SO figure out my hiring bonus, and let me know when you can come get me. We should make a great team. Yours Truly, the one, the only, SUPERPOOF!!

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